Macrobel taxon details
original description
(of ) Milne Edwards, H. (1828). Mémoire sur quelques crustacés nouveaux. [Memoir on some new crustaceans.]. <em>Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Série Zoologie et Biologie Animale, Paris.</em> 13:287-301, pls. 13-15. [details] 
basis of record
Anderson, G. (2016). Tanaidacea-- Thirty Years of Scholarship. (Vers. 2.0, Dec., 2016)., available online at http://aquila.usm.edu/tanaids30/3 [details]
additional source
Bamber, R.N. (2011). The marine fauna and flora of the Isles of Scilly. Tanaidacea (Crustacea: Peracarida). <em>Journal of Natural History.</em> 45 (29–30): 1801–1815. [details]
new combination reference
Gutu, M. (2006). New Apseudomorph Taxa (Crustacea, Tanaidacea) of the World Ocean. <em>Curtea Veche, Bucharest, Romania.</em> [details]
Present Inaccurate Introduced: alien Containing type locality