Traits taxon details
original description
Schütt, F. (1895). Die Peridineen der Plankton-Expedition. Ergebnisse der Plankton-Expedition der Humboldt-Stiftung, 4: 1-170, 27 pls. [details]
basis of record
Gómez, F. (2005). A list of free-living dinoflagellate species in the world's oceans. <em>Acta Bot. Croat.</em> 64(1): 129-212. [details] 
additional source
Steidinger, K. A., M. A. Faust, and D. U. Hernández-Becerril. 2009. Dinoflagellates (Dinoflagellata) of the Gulf of Mexico, Pp. 131–154 in Felder, D.L. and D.K. Camp (eds.), Gulf of Mexico–Origins, Waters, and Biota. Biodiversity. Texas A&M Press, College [details]
additional source
Moestrup, Ø., Akselman, R., Cronberg, G., Elbraechter, M., Fraga, S., Halim, Y., Hansen, G., Hoppenrath, M., Larsen, J., Lundholm, N., Nguyen, L. N., Zingone, A. (Eds) (2009 onwards). IOC-UNESCO Taxonomic Reference List of Harmful Micro Algae., available online at http://www.marinespecies.org/HAB [details]
additional source
Balech, E. (1962). Tintinnoinea y Dinoflagellata del Pacífico según material de las expediciones Norpac y Downwind del Instituto Scripps de Oceanografía. <em>Rev. Mus. Arg. Cs. Nat. “B. Rivadavia”, C. Zool.</em> 7(1): 1-253, 26 pl. [details] Available for editors 
additional source
Abé, T.H. (1927). Report of the biological survey of Mutsu Bay. 3. Notes on the protozoan fauna of Mutsu Bay. I. Peridiniales. <em>Science Reports of the Tohoku Imperial University, Series 4.</em> 2: 383-438. (look up in IMIS) [details] Available for editors 
additional source
Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. (2024). AlgaeBase. <em>World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.</em> searched on YYYY-MM-DD., available online at http://www.algaebase.org [details]
additional source
Tomas, C.R. (Ed.). (1997). Identifying marine phytoplankton. Academic Press: San Diego, CA [etc.] (USA). ISBN 0-12-693018-X. XV, 858 pp., available online at http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780126930184 [details]
ecology source
Hallegraeff, G. M.; Lucas, I. A. N. (1988). The marine dinoflagellate genus Dinophysis (Dinophyceae): photosynthetic, neritic and non-photosynthetic, oceanic species. <em>Phycologia.</em> 27(1): 25-42., available online at https://doi.org/10.2216/i0031-8884-27-1-25.1 [details] Available for editors 
ecology source
Mitra, A.; Caron, D. A.; Faure, E.; Flynn, K. J.; Leles, S. G.; Hansen, P. J.; McManus, G. B.; Not, F.; Do Rosario Gomes, H.; Santoferrara, L. F.; Stoecker, D. K.; Tillmann, U. (2023). The Mixoplankton Database (MDB): Diversity of photo‐phago‐trophic plankton in form, function, and distribution across the global ocean. <em>Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology.</em> 70(4)., available online at https://doi.org/10.1111/jeu.12972 [details] 
Present Inaccurate Introduced: alien Containing type locality
From editor or global species database