BlackSea taxon details
original description
Schulz, R.E. (1927). Fam. Physlopteridae Leiper, 1908 (Nematodes) und die prinzipien ihrer klassifikation. Pp. 287-312, table 1 in: Sbornik Rabot po Gel'mintologii, Posviashchennyĭ Professoru Konsatantinu Ivanovichu Skryainu ego uchenikami. Izdatelstvo Akademii Nauk SSSR, Moskva. [details] Available for editors 
context source (PeRMS)
Luque, J.L., C. Cruces, J. Chero, F. Paschoal, P.V. Alves, A.C. Silva, L. Sanchez & J. Iannacone. (2016). Checklist of metazoan parasites of fishes from Peru. Lista de verificación de los metazoos parásitos de peces de Perú. <em>Neotropical Helminthology.</em> 10(2), jul-dic: 301-375. [details] Available for editors 
basis of record
Anderson, R. C.; Chabaud, A. G.; Willmott, S. (1974). CIH Keys to the nematode parasites of vertebrates. i-x. [details]