Traits taxon details
original description
Smith, S.I. (1873). Crustacea. In: Verrill, A. E., Report upon the Invertebrate animals of Vineyard Sound and the adjacent waters, with an account of the physical characters of the region. <em>Report of the Commissioner for 1871 and 1872, United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries.</em> 1: 545-580. page(s): 551-552 [details] 
additional source
Modlin, R.F. 1984. Mysidacea from the Florida Middle Ground, northeast Gulf of Mexico, with descriptions of three new
species of Heteromysis and a key to the Heteromysini of the Western Atlantic.-- Journal of Crustacean Biology: A Quarterly of the Crustacean Society for the Publication of Research on Any Aspect of the Biology of Crustacea 4 (2): 287-297. [details] Available for editors 
additional source
Foulds, J.B., & K.H. Mann. 1978. Cellulose digestion in Mysis stenolepis and its ecological implications.-- Limnology and Oceanography 23: 760-766. [details] Available for editors 
additional source
Grossnickle, N.E.; & Beeton, A.M. (1979). Antennal scale length as a measure of relative size in the opossum shrimp, Mysis relicta Loven. <em>Crustaceana.</em> 36 (2): 141-146. [details] Available for editors 
additional source
Judkins, D.C., & R. Wright. 1974. New records of the mysids Boreomysis nobilis G.O. Sars and Mysis litoralis (Banner) in the Saguenay fjord (St. Lawrence estuary).-- Canadian Journal of Zoology 52: 1087-1090. [details] Available for editors 
additional source
Wainwright, P.F. & K.H. Mann. 1982. Effect of antimicrobial substances on the ability of the mysid shrimp Mysis stenolepis to digest cellulose.-- Marine Ecology Progress Series 7 (3): 309-313. [details] Available for editors 
additional source
Wigley, R. L.; Burns, B. R. (1971). Distribution and biology of mysids (Crustacea, Mysidacea) from the Atlantic coast of the U.S. in the NMFS Woods Hole collection. <em>Fish. Bull.</em> 69 (4): 717-746. [details] Available for editors 
additional source
Steiner, G. (1958). Monhystera cameroni n. sp. - a nematode commensal of various crustaceans of the Magdalen Islands and Bay of Chaleur (Gulf of St. Lawrence). <em>Can. J. Zool.</em> 36: 269-278. note: parasites [details]
additional source
Haefner, P. A. (1968). Occurence of Mysis gaspensis (O.S. Tattersall (Mysidacea) in the Gulf of Maine. <em>Crustaceana.</em> 14: 219-220. [details] Available for editors 
additional source
WINKLER G, DODSON JJ, BERTRAND N, THIVIERGE D, VINCENT WF (2003). Trophic coupling across the St. Lawrence River estuarine transition zone Marine Ecology Progress Series 251 : 59-73 [details] Available for editors 
additional source
Müller, H. G. (1993). World catalogue and bibliography of the recent Mysidacea. 238p. [details] Available for editors 
additional source
Mauchline, J. (1980). The biology of mysids and euphausiids. <em>In: J.H.S. Blaxter, F.S. Russell & M. Young (eds.), Advances in Marine Biology.</em> 18: 1-681 Academic Press, London). [details] Available for editors 
additional source
Tattersall, O. S. (1955). Mysidacea. <em>Discovery Rep.</em> 28: 1-190. [details] Available for editors 
additional source
Tattersall, W. M. (1951). A review of the Mysidacea of the United States National Museum. <em>Smithsonian Institution United States National Museum Bulletin.</em> 201: 1-292., available online at https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=-vhMAAAAYAAJ&rdid=book--vhMAAAAYAAJ [details] Available for editors 
additional source
Tattersall, O.S. (1954). Shallow-water Mysidacea from the St. Lawrence estuary, Eastern Canada. The Canadian Field-naturalist 68(4): 143-154 [details] Available for editors 
Present Inaccurate Introduced: alien Containing type locality