WoRMS name details
NomenclatureTaxonomystatus source
van Ofwegen, L.P. (2016). The genus Litophyton Forskål, 1775 (Octocorallia, Alcyonacea, Nephtheidae) in the Red Sea and the western Indian Ocean. <em>ZooKeys.</em> 567: 1-128., available online at https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.567.7212 [details] Available for editors [request]
Otheradditional source
Neave, Sheffield Airey. (1939-1996). Nomenclator Zoologicus vol. 1-10 Online. <em>[Online Nomenclator Zoologicus at Checklistbank. Ubio link has gone].</em> , available online at https://www.checklistbank.org/dataset/126539/about [details]
additional source
Verseveldt, J. (1983). The Octocorallian genera Spongodes Lesson, Neospongodes Kükenthal and Stereonephthya Kükenthal. <em>Beaufortia.</em> 33(1): 1-13., available online at http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/document/548867 page(s): 1, 5 [details]
additional source
Reinicke, G.B. (1997). Xeniidae (Coelenterata: Octocorallia) of the Red Sea, with descriptions of six new species of Xenia. <em>Fauna of Saudi Arabia.</em> 16: 5-62. page(s): 20 [details]
additional source
Williams, G.C. (1992). The Alcyonacea of southern Africa. Stoloniferous octocorals and soft corals (Coelenterata, Anthozoa). <em>Annals of the South African Museum.</em> 100: 249-358., available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/41110040 page(s): 348, 352 [details]
additional source
Utinomi, H. (1960). A revision of the nomenclature of the family Nephtheidae (Octocorallia: Alcyonacea). I. The genera Capnella, Scleronephthya and Chondronephthya (n.g.). <em>Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory.</em> 8(1): 27-40., available online at https://repository.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp/dspace/bitstream/2433/174705/1/fia0081_027.pdf page(s): 38 [details]
additional source
Fabricius, K.; Alderslade, P. (2001). Soft Corals and Sea Fans: A Comprehensive Guide to the Shallow-water Genera of the Central-West Pacific, the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea. <em>Australian Institute of Marine Science. Townsville.</em> pp. 264. page(s): iv, v, 18, 21, 34, 35, 41, 45, 46, 50, 51, 104-105, 106, 108, 110, 114, 120, 124, 134 [details]
additional source
Williams, G. C. (1989). A review of recent research on the sublittoral coral reefs of northern Natal with a provisional assessment of findings regarding the distribution of octocorals on Two-Mile Reef, Sodwana Bay. South African Journal of Science, 85, 140-141 page(s): 140 [details]
additional source
Reinicke, G. B.; van Ofwegen, L. P. (1999). Soft corals (Alcyonacea: Octocorallia) from shallow water in the Chagos Archipelago: species assemblages and their distribution. Linnean Society Occasional Publications, 2, 67-85, plates 1-10 page(s): 70, 71, 74, 75, 76, 77, 79, 84, 90 [details]
additional source
Benayahu, Y.; Yosief, T.; Schleyer, M. H. (2002). Soft corals (Octocorallia, Alcyonacea) of the southern Red Sea. Israel Journal of Zoology, 48, 273-283 page(s): 277 [details]
additional source
Benayahu, Y.; Shlagman, A.; Schleyer, M. H. (2003). Corals of the south-west Indian Ocean: VI. The Alcyonacea (Octocorallia) of Mozambique, with a discussion on soft coral distribution on south equatorial East African reefs. Zoologische Verhandelingen, 345, 49-57 page(s): 52 [details]
additional source
Ben-David-Zaslow, R.; Henning, G.; Hofmann, D. K.; Benayahu, Y. (1999). Reproduction in the Red Sea soft coral Heteroxenia fuscescens: seasonality and long-term record (1991 to 1997). Marine Biology, 133, 553-559 page(s): 553 [details]
additional source
Williams, G. C. (1989). A provisional annotated list of octocorallian coelenterates occurring on the sublittoral coral reefs at Sodwana Bay and Kosi Bay, northern Natal, with a key to the genera. South African Journal of Science, 85, 141-144 page(s): 142 [details]
Present Inaccurate Introduced: alien Containing type locality