WRiMS taxon details

Pachycerianthus solitarius (Rapp, 1829)

156304  (urn:lsid:marinespecies.org:taxname:156304)

marine, fresh, terrestrial
recent only
(of ) Rapp, W. (1828). Ueber den Bau einiger Polypen des mittelländichen Meeres. <em>Nova Acta Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino-Coralinae Naturae Curiosorum.</em> 14: 653-658. [details] 
Molodtsova, T. (2024). World List of Ceriantharia. Pachycerianthus solitarius (Rapp, 1829). Accessed through: Costello, M. J.; Ahyong, S.; Bieler, R.; Boudouresque, C.; Desiderato, A.; Downey, R.; Galil, B. S.; Gollasch, S.; Hutchings, P.; Kamburska, L.; Katsanevakis, S.; Kupriyanova, E.; Lejeusne, C.; Ma, K. C. K.; Marchini, A.; Occhipinti, A.; Pagad, S.; Panov, V. E.; Poore, G. C. B.; Rewicz, T.; Robinson, T. B.; Rius, M.; Sobczyk, R.; Stern, N.; Turon, X.; Valls Domedel, G.; Verleye, T.; Vieira, L. M.; Willan, R. C.; Yeo Chong Jinn, D.; Zhan, A. (2024) World Register of Introduced Marine Species (WRiMS) at: https://www.marinespecies.org/introduced/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=156304 on 2025-03-12
Costello, M. J.; Ahyong, S.; Bieler, R.; Boudouresque, C.; Desiderato, A.; Downey, R.; Galil, B. S.; Gollasch, S.; Hutchings, P.; Kamburska, L.; Katsanevakis, S.; Kupriyanova, E.; Lejeusne, C.; Ma, K. C. K.; Marchini, A.; Occhipinti, A.; Pagad, S.; Pino, L.; Poore, G. C. B.; Rewicz, T.; Rius, M.; Robinson, T. B.; Sobczyk, R.; Stępień, A.; Turon, X.; Valls Domedel, G.; Verleye, T.; Vieira, L. M.; Willan, R. C.; Zhan, A. (2025). World Register of Introduced Marine Species (WRiMS). Pachycerianthus solitarius (Rapp, 1829). Accessed at: https://www.marinespecies.org/introduced%20/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=156304 on 2025-03-12
2005-05-11 07:17:27Z
2008-01-16 10:35:54Z
2017-01-27 17:23:16Z

original description (of ) Rapp, W. (1828). Ueber den Bau einiger Polypen des mittelländichen Meeres. <em>Nova Acta Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino-Coralinae Naturae Curiosorum.</em> 14: 653-658. [details] 

context source (Hexacorallia) Fautin, Daphne G. (2013). Hexacorallians of the World. (look up in IMIS) [details] 

basis of record den Hartog, J. C. & van der Land, J. (2000-2007). As a contribution to UNESCO-IOC Register of Marine Organisms. (look up in IMIS) [details] 

additional source Carlgren, O. (1912). Ceriantharia. <em>Danish Ingolf-Expedition.</em> 5(3): 1-79.
page(s): 44-47 [details] 

additional source Carlgren, O. (1912). Über Ceriantharien des Mittelmeers. <em>Mitteilungen aus der Zoologischen Station zu Neapel.</em> 20(3): 356-391.
page(s): 367-387, Pl. 16 figs. 22-23, Pl. 17 figs. 25-29 [details] 

additional source Carter S., 1995. Pachycerianthus (Anthozoa: Ceriantharia: Cerianthidae ), two newly described species from Port Jackson, Australia. Records of the Australian Museum. 47: 1-6., available online at https://media.australian.museum/media/Uploads/Journals/17052/3_complete.pdf
page(s): 6 [details] 

additional source Panikkar K., 1936. On Apiactis bengalensis, species nova, a new pelagic larval ceriantharian from the Madras plankton. Zoologischer Anzeiger. 140: 250-260
page(s): 259 [details] 

additional source Arai M.N., 1971. Pachycerianthus (Ceriantharia) from British Columbia and Washington. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 28 (10):1677-1680
page(s): 1680 [details] 

additional source Uchida H. 1979. Cerianthids (Anthozoa, Coelenterata) from Kii Region, Middle Japan. Memoirs of the National Science Museum (Tokyo) [Kokuritsu Kagaku Hakubutsukan] 12: 185-199
page(s): 188 [details] 

additional source Molodtsova, T. N. (2003). On Isarachnanthus from Central Atlantic and Caribbean region with notes on Isarachnactis lobiancoi (Carlgren, 1912). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 345: 249-255
page(s): 250, 252, 253 [details] 

additional source Williams, R. B. (1981). A sea anemone, Edwardsia meridionalis sp. nov., from Antarctica and a preliminary revision of the genus Edwardsia De Quatrefages, 1841 (Coelenterata: Actiniaria). Records of the Australian Museum (Sydney), 33(6): 325-360
page(s): 350 [details] 

additional source Pax, F.; Müller, I. (1962). Die Anthozoenfauna der Adria / Fauna antozoa Jadrana. Fauna et Flora Adriatica, 3, 1-343
page(s): 110 [details] 

additional source Ates, R. M. L. (1985). Kokeranemonen (Cerantharia) ? geen aanbeveling nodig!. Het Zee-Aquarium Maandblad voor Zee-Aquarium Liefhebbers, 35(11): 228-232
page(s): 230-231 [details] 

additional source Kisseleva, M. I. (1975). Food spectra of some benthic invertebrates in the Black Sea. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal, 54(11): 1596-1601
page(s): 1595-1596, 1601 [details] 

additional source Naumov, D. V. (1968). Coelenterata. Naukova Dumka. Kiev, pp. 56-74 [?]
page(s): 73, Pl. 6 fig. 6 [details] 

additional source Vafidis, D.; Koukouras, A. (1998). Antipatharia, Ceriantharia, and Zoantharia (Hexacorallia, Anthozoa) of the Aegean Sea with a check list of the Mediterranean and Black Sea species. Annales de l'Institute Oceanographique, 74(2): 115-126
page(s): 119-120, 123-124 [details] 

additional source Carlgren, O. (1927). Report on the Actiniaria and Ceriantharia. Transactions of the Zoological Society of London, 22, 4, (5): 443-445
page(s): 443 [details] 

additional source Wirtz, P.; Ocana, O.; Molodtsova, T. (2003). Actiniaria and Ceriantharia of the Azores (Cnidaria Anthozoa). <em>Helgol. Mar. Res.</em> 57: 114-117.
page(s): 115, 116 [details] 
 Present  Inaccurate  Introduced: alien  Containing type locality 

