Porifera name details
original description
Verrill, A. E. (1873). XVIII. Report upon the invertebrate animals of Vineyard Sound and the adjacent waters, with an account of the physical characters of the region. <em>Report on the condition of the sea fisheries of the south coast of New England [later becomes Reports of the United States Commissioner of Fisheries].</em> 1: 295-778 pls. 1-38., available online at https://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/12087501 [details]
additional source
Fristedt, K. (1887). Sponges from the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans and the Behring Sea. <em>Vega-Expeditionens Vetenskap. Iakttagelser (Nordenskiöld) 4.</em> 401-471, pls 22-31. page(s): 416 [details]
additional source
Hentschel, E. (1929). Die Kiesel- und Hornschwämme des Nördlichen Eismeers. Pp. 857-1042, pls XII-XIV. <em>In: Römer, F., Schaudinn, F., Brauer, A. & Arndt, W. (Eds), Fauna Arctica. Eine Zusammenstellung der arktischen Tierformen mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Spitzbergen-Gebietes auf Grund der Ergebnisse der Deutschen Expedition in das Nördliche Eismeer im Jahre 1898.</em> 5 (4) (G.Fischer, Jena). [details] Available for editors [request]
source of synonymy
Muller, Y. (2004). Faune et flore du littoral du Nord, du Pas-de-Calais et de la Belgique: inventaire. [Coastal fauna and flora of the Nord, Pas-de-Calais and Belgium: inventory]. <em>Commission Régionale de Biologie Région Nord Pas-de-Calais: France.</em> 307 pp., available online at http://www.vliz.be/imisdocs/publications/145561.pdf [details]
Holotype slide BMNH 1925.11.1.775a [details]