WoRMS taxon details
Nomenclatureoriginal description
(of Alveolaria lumbricalis Leach in Johnston, 1865) Johnston, G. (1865). A catalogue of the British non-parasitical worms in the collection of the British Museum. <em>[book].</em> 1-365. British Museum. London. [See also separate entry for Baird supplement]., available online at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/12291 [details] 
original description
(of Sabellaria spinulosa ensifera McIntosh, 1913) McIntosh, W.C. (1913). Notes from the Gatty Marine Laboratory, St. Andrews. No. 34. 1. On Pionosyllis alternosetosa St. Joseph and its relations to Syllis armillaris O.F. Müller. 2. On the British Maldanidae. 3. On the Maldanidae dredged in the 'Porcupine' expeditions of 1869 and 1870. 4. On the Maldanidae dredged in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada by Dr. Whiteaves. 5. On the Maldanidae procured by Canon Norman in Norway. <em>Annals and Magazine of Natural History.</em> 11: 83-130. [details]
original description
(of Sabellaria spinulosa bahusiensis Johansson, 1927) Johansson, Karl Eric. (1927). Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Polychaeten-Familien Hermellidae Sabellidae und Serpulidae. [inaugural-dissertation]. <em>Zoologiska bidrag från Uppsala.</em> 11: 1-184. [details]
original description
(of Hermella spinulosa Leuckart, 1849) Leuckart, R. (1849). Zur Kenntnis der Fauna von Island. Erster Beitrag (Würmer). <em>Archiv für Naturgeschichte, Berlin.</em> 15(1): 149-208, plate 3., available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/13705776 page(s): footnote 178-179 [details] 
Taxonomytaxonomy source
Kirtley, David W. 1994. A review and taxonomic revision of the family Sabellariidae Johnston, 1865 (Annelida; Polychaeta). Science Series number 1. 1-223. Sabecon Press. Vero Beach, Florida. page(s): 74 [details]
Othercontext source (Schelde)
Maris, T.; Beauchard, O.; Van Damme, S.; Van den Bergh, E.; Wijnhoven, S.; Meire, P. (2013). Referentiematrices en Ecotoopoppervlaktes Annex bij de Evaluatiemethodiek Schelde-estuarium Studie naar “Ecotoopoppervlaktes en intactness index”. <em>Monitor Taskforce Publication Series, 2013-01. NIOZ: Yerseke.</em> 35 pp. (look up in IMIS) [details]
additional source
Malmgren, A.J. (1867). Annulata Polychaeta Spetsbergiæ, Grœnlandiæ, Islandiæ et Scandinaviæ. Hactenus Cognita. Ex Officina Frenckelliana, Helsingforslæ. 127 pp. & XIV plates., available online at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/13358 [details]
additional source
McIntosh, W.C. 1923. A monograph of the British marine annelids. Polychaeta, Sabellidae to Serpulidae. With additions to the British marine Polychaeta during the publication of the monograph. Ray Society of London, 4(2): 251-538. [details]
additional source
Hartmann-Schröder, G. (1996). Annelida, Borstenwürmer, Polychaeta [Annelida, bristleworms, Polychaeta]. <em>2nd revised ed. The fauna of Germany and adjacent seas with their characteristics and ecology, 58. Gustav Fischer: Jena, Germany. ISBN 3-437-35038-2.</em> 648 pp. (look up in IMIS) [details] Available for editors [request]
additional source
Bellan, G. (2001). Polychaeta, <i>in</i>: Costello, M.J. <i>et al.</i> (Ed.) (2001). European register of marine species: a check-list of the marine species in Europe and a bibliography of guides to their identification. <em>Collection Patrimoines Naturels.</em> 50: 214-231. (look up in IMIS) [details]
additional source
MacNae, W. & M. Kalk (eds). (1958). A natural history of Inhaca Island, Mozambique. Witwatersrand Univ. Press, Johannesburg. I-iv, 163 pp. [details]
additional source
Muller, Y. (2004). Faune et flore du littoral du Nord, du Pas-de-Calais et de la Belgique: inventaire. [Coastal fauna and flora of the Nord, Pas-de-Calais and Belgium: inventory]. <em>Commission Régionale de Biologie Région Nord Pas-de-Calais: France.</em> 307 pp., available online at http://www.vliz.be/imisdocs/publications/145561.pdf [details]
From editor or global species database
Authority Contrary to Hartman catalogue and many others, including the monograph of Kirtley (1994), Sabellaria spinulosa (Leuckart) is a subsequent combination as the species was first described in genus Hermella (q.v.) [details]
Nomenclature Strictly the several Sabellaria spinulosa subspecies were created as varieties of 'spinulosa' by their various authors. However, the first WoRMS editors chose to make sole entries at the level of subspecies as varieties are no longer valid in zoological nomenclature since 1961 and (Art.45.6.4.) a variety name is treated as subspecific if first published before 1961. [details]
Type locality The type locality is not Iceland (as believed by Johansson (1927:93), Hartman (1959:476), and Kirtley (1994:76)), but near Helgoland, Germany after a specimen described in Frey & Leuckart (1847:15) which they had earlier placed as Hermella ostrearia (Cuvier). Leuckart (1849:178-179) introduced Hermella spinulosa in a long footnote, otherwise unrelated to the Icelandic polychaeta topic of his article. Kirtley pointed this out in a corrigenda distributed in 1995.
Language | Name | |
English |
spiny feather-duster wormRoss worm |
[details] |
German |
SandkorallePümpwurm |
[details] |