WoRMS taxon details
Nomenclatureoriginal description
Örsted, A.S. (1843). Annulatorum danicorum conspectus. Auctore A.S. Örsted. Fasc. I. Maricolæ. (Quæstio ab universitate Hafniensi ad solvendum proposita et proemio ornata). , available online at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/11849 [details]
original description
(of Pholoe tuberculata Southern, 1914) Southern, R. (1914). Clare Island Survey. Archiannelida and Polychaeta. <em>Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy.</em> 31(47): 1-160., available online at http://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/34773787 page(s): 57-59, plate VI fig. 14A-I [details]
basis of record
Bellan, G. (2001). Polychaeta, <i>in</i>: Costello, M.J. <i>et al.</i> (Ed.) (2001). European register of marine species: a check-list of the marine species in Europe and a bibliography of guides to their identification. <em>Collection Patrimoines Naturels.</em> 50: 214-231. (look up in IMIS) [details]
Taxonomysource of synonymy
Malmgren, Anders Johan. (1865). Nordiska Hafs-Annulater. [part one of three]. <em>Öfversigt af Königlich Vetenskapsakademiens förhandlingar, Stockholm.</em> 22(1): 51-110, plates VIII-XV., available online at https://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/32339323 page(s): 89-92, plate XI fig. 13; note: with Pholoe minuta (Fabricius, 1780) [details]
Jirkov, I.A. (2001). [Polychaeta of the Arctic Ocean] (In Russian) Polikhety severnogo Ledovitogo Okeana. Yanus-K Press, Moscow, 632 pp., available online at https://www.researchgate.net/publication/259865957_Jirkov_2001_Polychaeta_of_the_North_Polar_Basin [details] Available for editors [request]
Othercontext source (Deepsea)
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO. The Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS), available online at http://www.iobis.org/ [details]
context source (BeRMS 2020)
Bio-environmental research group; Institute of Agricultural and Fisheries research (ILVO), Belgium; (2016): Macrobenthos monitoring at long-term monitoring stations in the Belgian part of the North Sea from 2001 on. [details]
additional source
Muller, Y. (2004). Faune et flore du littoral du Nord, du Pas-de-Calais et de la Belgique: inventaire. [Coastal fauna and flora of the Nord, Pas-de-Calais and Belgium: inventory]. <em>Commission Régionale de Biologie Région Nord Pas-de-Calais: France.</em> 307 pp., available online at http://www.vliz.be/imisdocs/publications/145561.pdf [details]
additional source
Hartmann-Schröder, G. (1996). Annelida, Borstenwürmer, Polychaeta [Annelida, bristleworms, Polychaeta]. <em>2nd revised ed. The fauna of Germany and adjacent seas with their characteristics and ecology, 58. Gustav Fischer: Jena, Germany. ISBN 3-437-35038-2.</em> 648 pp. (look up in IMIS) [details] Available for editors [request]
Synonymy Often treated as a junior synonym of Pholoe minuta, but this is based on misidentifications of the latter species [details]
From editor or global species database