WoRMS taxon details
Nomenclatureoriginal description
Malmgren, A.J. (1867). Annulata Polychaeta Spetsbergiæ, Grœnlandiæ, Islandiæ et Scandinaviæ. Hactenus Cognita. Ex Officina Frenckelliana, Helsingforslæ. 127 pp. & XIV plates., available online at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/13358 page(s): 101-102, plate VII fig. 37 [details]
original description
(of Myriochele sarsii Hansen, 1879) Hansen, G. Armauer. (1879). Annelider fra den norske Nordhavsexpedition i 1876. <em>Nyt Magazin for Naturvidenskaberne, Christiania.</em> 24(1): 1-17., available online at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/9491620 page(s): 11-12, plate IX figs. 1-8 [details]
Taxonomytaxonomy source
Nilsen, Rune; Holthe, Torleif. (1985). Arctic and Scandinavian Oweniidae (Polychaeta) with a description of Myriochele fragilis sp.n., and comments on the phylogeny of the family. <em>Sarsia.</em> 70(1): 17-32., available online at https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00364827.1985.10420615 page(s): 21, figure 3; note: description of Norwegian and Barents Seas specimens identified as Myriochele heeri [details]
Jirkov, I.A. (2001). [Polychaeta of the Arctic Ocean] (In Russian) Polikhety severnogo Ledovitogo Okeana. Yanus-K Press, Moscow, 632 pp., available online at https://www.researchgate.net/publication/259865957_Jirkov_2001_Polychaeta_of_the_North_Polar_Basin [details] Available for editors [request]
Parapar, Julio. (2006). The genera <i>Myriochele</i> and <i>Myrioglobula</i> (Polychaeta, Oweniidae) in Icelandic waters with the revision of type material of <i>Myriochele heeri</i> Malmgren, 1867, and the description of a new species. <em>Journal of Natural History.</em> 40(9-10), 523-547., available online at https://doi.org/10.1080/00222930600711758 page(s): 527, figures 1, 2, 3B, 4A, B, 5, 6, 7A, 12, 13; note: redescription from syntypes, designation of a lectotype [details] Available for editors [request]
Othercontext source (Deepsea)
Budaeva N.E., Jirkov I.A., Savilova T.A., Paterson G.L.J. (2014). Deep-sea fauna of European seas: An annotated species check-list of benthic invertebrates living deeper than 2000 m in the seas bordering Europe. Polychaeta. <i>Invertebrate Zoology</i>. Vol.11. No.1: 217–230 [in English]. [details] Available for editors [request]
context source (Bermuda)
Sterrer, W. (1986). Marine fauna and flora of Bermuda: a systematic guide to the identification of marine organisms. <em>Wiley-Interscience Publication. Wiley.</em> 742 pp (Nemertini part). [details] Available for editors [request]
additional source
Wollebaek, Alf. (1912 (for 1911 year)). Nordeuropaeiske annulata Polychaeta I. Ammocharidae, Amphictenidae, Ampharetidae, Terebellidae og Serpulidae. <em>Skrifter utgit av Videnskapsselskapet i Kristiania. I, Matematisk-naturvidenskabelig klasse.</em> year 1911 part 2 no 18: 1-144., available online at http://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/12042491 [details]
additional source
McIntosh, W.C. [M'Intosh]. (1885). Report on the Annelida Polychaeta collected by H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-1876. <em>Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873–76. Zoology.</em> 12 (part 34): i-xxxvi, 1-554, pl. 1-55, 1A-39A, & Annelida stations map., available online at https://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/50688426 page(s): 410-413, plate XXVA fig. 14a-d [not plate XXVIA fig. 5d, as stated in the text]; note: includes two unnamed varieties of the species, from off the American coast, near New York, and in the Atlantic, off the coast of Buenos Aires [details] 
additional source
Fauchald, K. (1977). The polychaete worms, definitions and keys to the orders, families and genera. <em>Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County: Los Angeles, CA (USA), Science Series.</em> 28:1-188., available online at http://www.vliz.be/imisdocs/publications/123110.pdf [details]
additional source
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS). , available online at http://www.itis.gov [details]
additional source
Bellan, G. (2001). Polychaeta, <i>in</i>: Costello, M.J. <i>et al.</i> (Ed.) (2001). European register of marine species: a check-list of the marine species in Europe and a bibliography of guides to their identification. <em>Collection Patrimoines Naturels.</em> 50: 214-231. (look up in IMIS) note: checklist listing [details]
additional source
Brunel, P., L. Bosse & G. Lamarche. (1998). Catalogue of the marine invertebrates of the estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence. <em>Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 126.</em> 405 pp. (look up in IMIS) [details] Available for editors [request]
additional source
Gosner, K. L. (1971). Guide to identification of marine and estuarine invertebrates: Cape Hatteras to the Bay of Fundy. <em>John Wiley & Sons, Inc., London.</em> 693 pp. [pdf copepod and branchiuran :445-455]. (look up in IMIS) [details] Available for editors [request]
additional source
Linkletter, L. E. (1977). A checklist of marine fauna and flora of the Bay of Fundy. <em>Huntsman Marine Laboratory, St. Andrews, N.B.</em> 68: p. [details]
additional source
Fauvel, P. 1907. Première note préliminaire sur les Polychètes provenant des campagnes de l'Hirondelle et de la Princesse-Alice ou déposées dans le Musée Océanographique de Monaco. Bulletin de l'Institute océanographique, 107: 1-34. [details]
additional source
Imajima, Minoru; Morita, Yoshiko. (1987). Oweniidae (Annelida, Polychaeta) from Japan. <em>Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo, Ser. A (Zoology).</em> 13(3): 85-102., available online at https://www.kahaku.go.jp/english/research/publication/zoology/v13_3.html page(s): 90, figures 3 a-k, 4 e-h; note: records for Japan and description [details] Available for editors [request]
additional source
Trott, T. J. (2004). Cobscook Bay inventory: a historical checklist of marine invertebrates spanning 162 years. <em>Northeastern Naturalist.</em> 11, 261-324., available online at http://www.gulfofmaine.org/kb/files/9793/TROTT-Cobscook%20List.pdf [details] Available for editors [request]
Unknown type SMNH, geounit Arctic Ocean [details]
From editor or global species database
Type designation Lectotype claimed designated by Parapar (2006: 531) from syntypes of SMNH 5847. It is not clear in the text what the unique registration number of the designated lectotype has now become as three specimens were in that syntype vial, so the lectotype designation may not be valid. [details]Unreviewed
Distribution Bay of Fundy to Cape Hatteras [details]
Habitat bathyal, infralittoral and circalittoral of the Gulf and estuary [details]