WoRMS taxon details
Nomenclatureoriginal description
(of Praxilla collaris Claparède, 1869) Claparède, Édouard. (1869). Les Annélides Chétopodes du Golfe de Naples. Seconde partie. Ordre II<sup>me</sup>. Annélides Sédentaires (Aud. et Edw.). <em>Mémoires de la Société de Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle de Genève.</em> 20(1): 1-225, plates XVII-XXXI., available online at https://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/14264110 [details]
basis of record
Bellan, G. (2001). Polychaeta, <i>in</i>: Costello, M.J. <i>et al.</i> (Ed.) (2001). European register of marine species: a check-list of the marine species in Europe and a bibliography of guides to their identification. <em>Collection Patrimoines Naturels.</em> 50: 214-231. (look up in IMIS) [details]
Otheradditional source
Brunel, P., L. Bosse & G. Lamarche. (1998). Catalogue of the marine invertebrates of the estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence. <em>Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 126.</em> 405 pp. (look up in IMIS) [details] Available for editors [request]
additional source
Arwidsson, Ivar. (1906). Studien über die skandinavischen und arktischen Maldaniden nebst Zusammenstellung der übrigen bisher bekannten Arten dieser Familie. <em>Inaugural-Dissertation zur erlangung der Doktorwürde. Der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Sektion der Philosophischen Fakultät zu Upsala, Upsala Universitet, Upsala [sic].</em> 1-308. Plates 1-12. [published 1906 or at latest 2 Feb 1907]., available online at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/39358 [details] 
additional source
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS). , available online at http://www.itis.gov [details]
Distribution southern Gaspe waters (Baie des Chaleurs, Gaspe Bay to American, Orphan and Bradelle banks; eastern boundary: eastern Bradelle Valley) [details]
Habitat circalittoral of the Gulf and estuary [details]