ARMS taxon details

Dinophilus vorticoides Schmidt, 1848

130002  (

marine, brackish, fresh, terrestrial
recent only
Schmidt, Eduard Oscar. (1848). Neue Beiträge zur Naturgeschichte der Würmer gesammelt auf einer Reise nach den Färör im Frühjahr 1848 [New contributions to the natural history of worms collected on a journey to the Faerör in the spring of 1848]. <em>[Booklet].</em> 44 pp., plates I-III, Druck und Verlag von Friedrich Maue, Jena., available online at
page(s): 3-8, plate I figs. 1, 1a, 1b, 1c, A, B, C [details] OpenAccess publication
Read, G.; Fauchald, K. (Ed.) (2024). World Polychaeta Database. Dinophilus vorticoides Schmidt, 1848. Accessed through: Sirenko, B.I.; Clarke, C.; Hopcroft, R.R.; Huettmann, F.; Bluhm, B.A.; Gradinger, R. (eds) (2024) The Arctic Register of Marine Species (ARMS) compiled by the Arctic Ocean Diversity (ArcOD) at: on 2025-03-10
Sirenko, B.I.; Clarke, C.; Hopcroft, R.R.; Huettmann, F.; Bluhm, B.A.; Gradinger, R. (eds) (2025). The Arctic Register of Marine Species (ARMS) compiled by the Arctic Ocean Diversity (ArcOD). Dinophilus vorticoides Schmidt, 1848. Accessed at: on 2025-03-10
2004-12-21 15:54:05Z
2008-03-26 11:36:43Z

original description Schmidt, Eduard Oscar. (1848). Neue Beiträge zur Naturgeschichte der Würmer gesammelt auf einer Reise nach den Färör im Frühjahr 1848 [New contributions to the natural history of worms collected on a journey to the Faerör in the spring of 1848]. <em>[Booklet].</em> 44 pp., plates I-III, Druck und Verlag von Friedrich Maue, Jena., available online at
page(s): 3-8, plate I figs. 1, 1a, 1b, 1c, A, B, C [details] OpenAccess publication

additional source Fauchald, K. (1977). The polychaete worms, definitions and keys to the orders, families and genera. <em>Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County: Los Angeles, CA (USA), Science Series.</em> 28:1-188., available online at [details] 

additional source Bellan, G. (2001). Polychaeta, <i>in</i>: Costello, M.J. <i>et al.</i> (Ed.) (2001). European register of marine species: a check-list of the marine species in Europe and a bibliography of guides to their identification. <em>Collection Patrimoines Naturels.</em> 50: 214-231. (look up in IMIS) [details] 

additional source Fauvel, P. (1927). Polychètes sédentaires. Addenda aux errantes, Arachiannélides, Myzostomaires. <em>Faune de France Volume 16. Paul Lechevalier. Paris.</em> 1-494., available online at [details] 
