Traits taxon details
original description
(of ) Stephenson, T. A. (1918). On certain Actiniaria collected off Ireland by the Irish Fisheries Department, during the years of 1899-1913. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 34B(7): 106-164 page(s): 139-142 [details]
context source (Hexacorallia)
Fautin, Daphne G. (2013). Hexacorallians of the World. (look up in IMIS) [details]
basis of record
van der Land, J.; den Hartog, J.H. (2001). Actiniaria, <B><I>in</I></B>: Costello, M.J. <i>et al.</i> (Ed.) (2001). <i>European register of marine species: a check-list of the marine species in Europe and a bibliography of guides to their identification. Collection Patrimoines Naturels,</i> 50: pp. 106-109 (look up in IMIS) [details]
additional source
Doumenc D. (1984). Les actinies bathyales du Chili: un exemple d'utilisation de fichiers informatiques. Annales de l'Institut Océanographique, 60, 2, 143-162. page(s): 153 [details]
additional source
Carlgren, O. (1949). A survey of the Ptychodactiaria, Corallimorpharia and Actiniaria. <em>Kungliga Svenska Vet- enskapsakadamiens Handlingar.</em> 1: 1–121. page(s): 96 [details]
additional source
Doumenc, D. A. (1975). Actinies bathyales et abyssales de l'océan Atlantique nord familles des Hormathiidae (genres Paracalliactis et Phelliactis) et des Actinostolidae (genres Actinoscyphia et Sicyonis). Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (Paris), 197, 3, (287): 157-204 page(s): 181 [details]
additional source
Riemann-Zürneck, K. (1973). Actiniaria des Südwestatlantik I. Hormathiidae. Helgoländer Wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen, 25, 273-325 page(s): 295, 300-301 [details]
additional source
Fautin, Daphne G. (2013). Hexacorallians of the World. (look up in IMIS) [details]