ERMS name details

Gerardia Lacaze-Duthiers, 1864

100791  (

 unaccepted (younger synonym)


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  1. Species Gerardia savaglia (Bertoloni, 1819) accepted as Savalia savaglia (Bertoloni, 1819) (priority in synonymy)
  2. Species Gerardia savalia (Bertoloni, 1819) accepted as Savalia savaglia (Bertoloni, 1819) (misspelling, priority in synonymy)
marine, terrestrial
Lacaze-Duthiers, H. (1864). Mémoire sur les antipathaires (genre Gerardia, L. D.). Annales des Sciences Naturelles, 2, 5th, 169-239
page(s): 169-239 [details] 
Reimer, J.D.; Sinniger, F. (2024). World List of Zoantharia. Gerardia Lacaze-Duthiers, 1864. Accessed through: Costello, M.J.; Bouchet, P.; Boxshall, G.; Arvanitidis, C.; Appeltans, W. (2024) European Register of Marine Species at: on 2025-03-11
Costello, M.J.; Bouchet, P.; Boxshall, G.; Arvanitidis, C.; Appeltans, W. (2025). European Register of Marine Species. Gerardia Lacaze-Duthiers, 1864. Accessed at: on 2025-03-11
2004-12-21 15:54:05Z
2010-07-08 10:43:59Z

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original description Lacaze-Duthiers, H. (1864). Mémoire sur les antipathaires (genre Gerardia, L. D.). Annales des Sciences Naturelles, 2, 5th, 169-239
page(s): 169-239 [details] 

context source (Hexacorallia) Fautin, Daphne G. (2013). Hexacorallians of the World. (look up in RoR) [details] 

basis of record van der Land, J.; den Hartog, J.H. (2001). Actiniaria, <B><I>in</I></B>: Costello, M.J. <i>et al.</i> (Ed.) (2001). <i>European register of marine species: a check-list of the marine species in Europe and a bibliography of guides to their identification. Collection Patrimoines Naturels,</i> 50: pp. 106-109 (look up in RoR) [details] 

additional source Grygier, M.J. (1985). Lauridae: taxonomy and morphology of ascothoracid crustacean parasites of zoanthids. <em>Bulletin of Marine Science.</em> 36(2): 278-303.
page(s): 278, 279, 292, [details] 

additional source Cairns, S.D., L. Gershwin, F.J. Brook, P. Pugh, E.W. Dawson, O.V.; Ocaña, W. Vervoort, G. Williams, J.E. Watson, D.M. Opresko, P. Schuchert, P.M. Hine, D.P. Gordon, H.I. Campbell, A.J. Wright, J.A.Sánchez & D.G. Fautin. (2009). Phylum Cnidaria: corals, medusae, hydroids, myxozoans. <em>in: Gordon, D.P. (Ed.) (2009). New Zealand inventory of biodiversity: 1. Kingdom Animalia: Radiata, Lophotrochozoa, Deuterostomia.</em> pp. 59-101., available online at [details] Available for editors  PDF available

additional source Delage, Y.; Hérouard, E. (1901). Traité de zoologie concrète. Tome II – Deuxième partie. Les coelentérés. <em>Paris: Schleicher Frères.</em> 848 pp., available online at
page(s): 665 [details] 

additional source Herberts, C. (1972). Etude systématique de quelques zoanthaires tempérés et tropicaux. <em>Tethys.</em> Supplement 3, pp. 69-156.
page(s): 69, 72, 80, 142 [details] Available for editors  PDF available

additional source Duerden, J. E. (1898). Jamaican Actiniaria. Part I. Zoantheae. <em>Scientific Transactions of the Royal Dublin Society.</em> 6, 329–384.
page(s): 371 [details] 

additional source Haeckel, E. (1876). Arabische Korallen. Ein Ausflug nach den Korallenbänken des Rothen Meeres und ein Blick in das Leben der Korallenthiere Reimer, Berlin. 48 pp. 6 pls. , available online at
page(s): 10 [details] 

additional source Muirhead, A. M.; Ryland, J. S. (1984). Order Zoanthidea. Australian Coral Reef Society. Brisbane., edition 2nd, pp. 29-33
page(s): 29, 30 [details] 

additional source Pax, F. (1934). Anthozoa (Teil I. Allgemeines, Ceriantharia, Antipatharia, Zoantharia, Madreporaria). Tierwelt der Nord- und Ostee, 26, 39-53
page(s): 40 [details] 

additional source Prince, R. C.; Kheshgi, H. S. (1996). Longevity in the deep. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 11(7): 280
page(s): 280 [details] 

additional source Ryland, J. S. (1997). Reproduction in Zoanthidea (Anthozoa: Hexacorallia). Invertebrate Reproduction and Development, 31(1-3): 177-188
page(s): 178 [details] 

additional source Roche, J.; Tixier-Durivault, A. (1951). Rapports des gerardiides avec les zoanthides et les antipathaires. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (Paris), 23(2): 402-409
page(s): 402-409 [details] 

additional source Ryland, J. S. (1997). Budding in Acrozoanthus Saville-Kent, 1893 (Anthozoa: Zoanthidea). Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Coelenterate Biology, 423-428
page(s): 423 [details] 

additional source Ates, R. M. L. (1995). Colonial anemones - Zoanthiniaria. A review for the seriously interested marine aquarist. Aquarium Frontiers, Spring 1995, 10-13
page(s): 10-13 [details] 

additional source Carlgren, O. (1895). Ueber die gattung Gerardia Lac.-Duth. Öfversigt af Kongliga Vetenskaps-Akademiens Förhandlingar, 1895(5): 319-334
page(s): 319-332 [details] 

additional source Druffel, E. R.; Griffin, S.; Witter, A.; Nelson, E.; Southon, J.; Kashgarian, M.; Vogel, J. (1995). An account of the Actinia Sociata or Clustered Animal-flower, lately found on the Sea-Coasts of the new-ceded Islands: In a Letter from John Ellis, Esquire, F. R. S. to the Right Honourable the Earl of Hillsborough, F. R. S. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 59(23): 5031-5036
page(s): 5301-5306 [details] 

additional source Fosså, S. A.; Nilsen, A. J. (1995). Korallenriff-Aquarium, 4. Nesseltiere in Korallenriff und für das Korallenriff-Aquarium. Birgit Schmettkamp Verlag. Bornheim, Germany., edition 1st, volume 4, pp. 447.
page(s): 256 [details] 

additional source Fossa, S. A.; Nilsen, A. J. (1998). The Modern Coral Reef Aquarium. <em>Birgit Schmettkamp Verlag, Bornheim, Germany.</em> volume 2, pp 479.
page(s): 270 [details] 

additional source Herberts, C. (1987). Ordre des Zoanthaires. Masson. Paris., pp. 783-810
page(s): 784, 805, 806 [details] 

source of synonymy Poche, F. (1914). Das System der Coelenterata. <em>Archiv für Naturgeschichte.</em> Abt. A 80(5): 47-128., available online at [details] OpenAccess publication
 Present  Inaccurate  Introduced: alien  Containing type locality