Deep-Sea taxon details
original description
Sars, M. (1846). Ueber Arachnactis albida, einen schwimmenden Polypen Fauna littoralis Norvegiae, 1: 28-30 [details]
basis of record
van der Land, J.; den Hartog, J.H. (2001). Actiniaria, <B><I>in</I></B>: Costello, M.J. <i>et al.</i> (Ed.) (2001). <i>European register of marine species: a check-list of the marine species in Europe and a bibliography of guides to their identification. Collection Patrimoines Naturels,</i> 50: pp. 106-109 (look up in IMIS) [details]
additional source
Neave, Sheffield Airey. (1939-1996). Nomenclator Zoologicus vol. 1-10 Online. <em>[Online Nomenclator Zoologicus at Checklistbank. Ubio link has gone].</em> , available online at https://www.checklistbank.org/dataset/126539/about [details]
additional source
Williams, G. (1954). Fauna of Strangford Lough and neighbouring coasts. <em>Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy.</em> (B)56:29-133. (ii-1954) (copepod pp. 70). page(s): 52 [details] Available for editors 
additional source
den Hartog, J.C. (1977). Descriptions of two new Ceriantharia from the Caribbean region, Pachycerianthus curacaoensis n. sp. and Arachnanthus nocturnus n. sp., with a discussion of the cnidom and of the classification of the Ceriantharia. <em>Zoologische Mededelingen.</em> 51(14), 211-242., available online at http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/document/150580 page(s): 235 [details]
additional source
Leloup, E. (1964). Larves de Cerianthaires. <em>Discovery reports.</em> 33: 251-307. page(s): 269 [details]
additional source
Fautin, Daphne G. (2013). Hexacorallians of the World. (look up in IMIS) [details]
additional source
Carlgren, O. (1924). Die larven der Ceriantharien, Zoantharien und Actiniarien der deutschen Tiefsee-expedition mit einen Nachtrag zu den Zoantharien. <em>Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition auf dem Dampfer "Valdivia" 1898-1899.</em> 19: 339-476. page(s): 349, 367, 372, 386 [details]
additional source
Panikkar K., 1936. On Apiactis bengalensis, species nova, a new pelagic larval ceriantharian from the Madras plankton. Zoologischer Anzeiger. 140: 250-260 page(s): 250 [details]
additional source
Verrill, A. E. (1873). XVIII. Report upon the invertebrate animals of Vineyard Sound and the adjacent waters, with an account of the physical characters of the region. <em>Report on the condition of the sea fisheries of the south coast of New England [later becomes Reports of the United States Commissioner of Fisheries].</em> 1: 295-778 pls. 1-38., available online at https://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/12087501 page(s): 455 [details] 
additional source
Andres, A. (1884). Le attinie. Volume primo, contente bibliografia, introduzione e specigrafia. , available online at http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/81386 page(s): 361 [details]
additional source
Andres, A. (1883). Le Attinie (Monografia). Coi Tipi der Salviucci. Roma., volume 1 (Bibliografia, introduzione e specigrafia), pp. 460. page(s): 361 [details]
additional source
Menon, K. R. (1927). Subclass Zoantharia (except Scleractiniae). Bulletin of Madras Government Museum (Natural History Section), 1(1): 31-40 page(s): 31 [details]
additional source
Parry, G. (1951). The Actiniaria of New Zealand. A check-list of recorded and new species a review of the literature and a key to the commoner forms Part I. Records of the Canterbury Museum, 6(1): 83-119 page(s): 87, 91-93 [details] Available for editors 
additional source
Verrill, A. E. (1868-1870). Review of the corals and polyps of the west coast of America. <em>Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences.</em> 1, 6, 377-558. page(s): 496 [details]
additional source
McMurrich, J. P. (1893). Report on the Actiniæ collected by the United States Fish Commission Steamer Albatross during the winter of 1887-1888. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 16(930): 119-216 page(s): 127 [details]
additional source
Andres, A. (1880). Intorno all'Edwardsia Claparedii (Halcampa Claparedii Panc.). Atti dell' Accademia de Lincei, 5, 3, 221-236 page(s): 222 [details]
additional source
Beneden, É. (1891). Recherches sur la développment des Arachnactis. Archives de Biologie, 9, 115-146 page(s): 116-146 [details]
additional source
Gravier, C. (1902). Sur un cérianthaire pélagique adulte. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences, Paris, 135, 15 page(s): 591 [details]
additional source
Leloup, E. (1962). Anthozoa Ceriantharia: larvae. Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la mer, Zooplankton, (93): 1-7 page(s): 6-7 [details]
additional source
M'Intosh, W. C. (1890). Notes from St. Andrews Marine Laboratory (under Fishery Board for Scotland). No.11. On the occurence of the hydromedusae throughout the year. On Arachnactis. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 5, 6, 7, (42): 296-306 page(s): 306 [details]
additional source
Allman, G. J. (1875). Instructions on the construction and method of using the towing net, and notes on the animals which may be obtained by its employment.. Printed for Her Majesty's Stationery Office. London., chapter 7, pp. 52-59 page(s): 56 [details]
additional source
Andres, A. (1883). Le Attinie. Atti dell' Accademia de Lincei, 14, 3, Memorie, 211-673 page(s): 569 [details]
Present Inaccurate Introduced: alien Containing type locality
From editor or global species database
Remark larva [details]
From editor or global species database