IMIS: 2797
Passenger type: Scientist(*)=present, (-)=absent
Fauna of floating macro algae REVAMPTrips:
2004-06-21/2004-06-21 (*)Campaign(s):
AMORE Monitoring the marine environment of the BCS REVAMPTrips:
2001-08-20/2001-08-20 (*)Campaign(s):
practical exercises - students WestBanks Monitoring KRW ShipfluxTrips:
2010-03-25/2010-03-26 (-)Campaign(s):
practical exercises - students Rhabdocoela fauna of the Belgian North Sea Monitoring KRW Pelagische visserij en zooplanktonTrips:
2009-09-09/2009-09-09 (*)Campaign(s):
Biogeochemical fluxes of N, P & C in the North Sea REVAMP CHRISTrips:
2002-07-03/2002-07-03 (-)Campaign(s):
Demonstration REVAMP Dispersion of ClupeidaeTrips:
2003-06-26/2003-06-26 (-)Campaign(s):
Monitoring the marine environment of the BCS REVAMPTrips:
2001-09-12/2001-09-12 (*)Campaign(s):
Monitoring the marine environment of the BCS REVAMPTrips:
2001-09-06/2001-09-07 (*)Campaign(s):
Monitoring the marine environment of the BCS MIDAS cruises Monitoring KRW EutrofTrips:
2009-04-27/2009-04-28 (*)Campaign(s):
The Abra alba/Mysella bidentata community on BCS REVAMP CHRISTrips:
2002-07-16/2002-07-16 (*)Campaign(s):
The Abra alba/Mysella bidentata community on BCS REVAMP CHRISTrips:
2002-07-29/2002-07-29 (*)Campaign(s):
The Abra alba/Mysella bidentata community on BCS REVAMPTrips:
2003-06-04/2003-06-04 (-)Campaign(s):
Monitoring KRW Pelagische visserij en zooplanktonTrips:
2009-09-07/2009-09-07 (-)Campaign(s):
Mapping of Belgian coastal watersTrips:
2013-04-02/2013-04-02 (*)