Investigator | Campaign |
Loes Vandecasteele | Demersal Young Fish Survey |
Code | Latitude | Longitude |
No stations |
ID | Name | Action | Station | Start Time | Start Lat | Start Long | Stop Time | Stop Lat | Stop Long | Note | Actions |
Underway data is now available through the Lifewatch Data Explorer. Here you can view and download data. Data is available in 4 different sample periods. 1 day, 1 hour, 10 minutes, 1 minute. Press the underway data button and select a sample size. It will take you directly to the explorer.
To retrieve data in the Data Explorer go to the Download tab.
Press the To File button to start the download.
Investigator | Campaign |
Ilse Maertens | / |
Jens Boyen | / |
bruno vlaeminck | / |
laura lemey | / |
Ulrike Braeckman | / |
Annelien Rigaux | / |
Benedict Deputter | / |
Coenraad Deputter | / |
Pieterjan Verhelst | / |
Loes Vandecasteele | Demersal Young Fish Survey |
Noémi Van Bogaert | / |
Matthias Sandra | PROBIO |
Charlotte Dhondt | / |
Sarah Schmidlin | / |
Code | Latitude | Longitude |
BGR12 | 51°27'28.8" | 2°51'26.2" |
BGR13 | 51°28'2" | 2°53'9.8" |
BGR14 | 51°27'50.8" | 2°52'40.4" |
BGR15 | 51°27'38.3" | 2°52'1.3" |
dyfs93 | 51°23'1.1" | 3°12'47.4" |
Norther_ref13 | 51°29'35.1" | 3°4'8.9" |
Norther_ref14 | 51°29'13.7" | 3°4'46.6" |
Norther_ref15 | 51°29'42" | 3°1'53.8" |
BB_REF07 | 51°36'58.9" | 2°46'8.5" |
BB_REF08 | 51°37'9.1" | 2°45'58.3" |
BB_REF09 | 51°37'14.7" | 2°46'15.6" |
BGR 2 | 51°27'31.2" | 2°54'30.9" |
dyfs91 | 51°9'27.4" | 2°36'47.4" |
dyfs49 | 51°16'31.8" | 2°58'53.4" |
dyfs16 | 51°11'31.8" | 2°47'28.2" |
dyfs13 | 51°14'10.2" | 2°48'52.8" |
dyfs17 | 51°10'56.4" | 2°44'9.6" |
dyfs23 | 51°8'49.8" | 2°35'17.4" |
dyfs24 | 51°9'34.2" | 2°33'55.8" |
dyfs19 | 51°10'16.8" | 2°39'19.2" |
Norther_ref1 | 51°31'43.5" | 3°5'22.6" |
Norther_ref2 | 51°31'27.7" | 3°5'57.6" |
Norther_ref3 | 51°31'11.8" | 3°6'25.7" |
Norther_ref4 | 51°30'46.5" | 3°7'9.5" |
Norther_ref5 | 51°31'19.6" | 3°4'41.4" |
Norther_ref6 | 51°31'2.4" | 3°5'12.2" |
Norther_ref7 | 51°30'42.3" | 3°5'44.4" |
Norther_ref8 | 51°30'14.9" | 3°6'20.1" |
Norther_ref9 | 51°30'48.4" | 3°3'50.5" |
Norther_ref16 | 51°29'24.9" | 3°2'32.9" |
Norther_ref17 | 51°28'58.9" | 3°3'14.9" |
Norther_ref18 | 51°28'36.9" | 3°3'51" |
dyfs01 | 51°25'58.2" | 3°13'35.4" |
Norther_ref10 | 51°30'29.1" | 3°4'22.7" |
Norther_ref11 | 51°30'19.3" | 3°3'0.4" |
Norther_ref12 | 51°29'58.3" | 3°3'34" |
dyfs37 | 51°29'45.6" | 3°10'6.6" |
dyfs38 | 51°27'42" | 3°7'31.2" |
van veen | 51°26'10.2" | 3°9'48.6" |
BGR19 | 51°27'45.9" | 2°50'51" |
BGR22 | 51°27'11.8" | 2°52'11.2" |
BGR23 | 51°27'24.9" | 2°52'42.7" |
BGR24 | 51°27'36.4" | 2°53'20.5" |
BGR25 | 51°27'47" | 2°53'49.9" |
TB15_VER | 51°33'14.6" ⚠ | 2°54'31.7" |
BB_REF14 | 51°37'0.9" | 2°46'47.7" |
BB_REF15 | 51°37'8.7" | 2°46'41" |
BB_REF16 | 51°37'19.2" | 2°46'31.9" |
BGR16 | 51°28'17.5" | 2°52'39" |
BGR17 | 51°28'7.7" | 2°52'7.9" |
BGR18 | 51°27'56.3" | 2°51'27.4" |
dyfs09 | 51°20'6" | 2°57'24" |
dyfs07 | 51°19'12" | 2°59'27" |
dyfs92 | 51°19'58.2" | 3°2'55.2" |
dyfs27 | 51°18'10.2" | 3°4'2.4" |
BB_REF01 | 51°37'4.3" | 2°45'43.2" |
BB_REF02 | 51°36'55.4" | 2°45'52.4" |
BB_REF03 | 51°36'47.5" | 2°46'0.4" |
BB_REF04 | 51°36'38.6" | 2°46'9.4" |
BB_REF05 | 51°36'42.4" | 2°46'25.1" |
BB_REF06 | 51°36'50.7" | 2°46'16.8" |
dyfs02 | 51°27'46.2" | 3°10'57.6" |
dyfs03 | 51°25'8.4" | 3°9'36.6" |
dyfs04 | 51°25'29.4" | 3°8'10.8" |
dyfs35 | 51°26'51.6" | 3°9'14.4" |
BB_REF10 | 51°37'6.2" | 2°46'23.8" |
BB_REF11 | 51°36'57.9" | 2°46'31.5" |
BB_REF12 | 51°36'48.9" | 2°46'40" |
BB_REF13 | 51°36'53.5" | 2°46'54.2" |
TB1_VER | 51°34'34" | 3°0'11.9" |
TB2_VER | 51°34'27.9" | 2°59'19.2" |
TB3_VER | 51°34'13.9" | 2°59'47.5" |
TB4_VER | 51°33'59.5" | 3°0'13.2" |
TB5_VER | 51°33'51.8" | 3°0'27" |
TB6_VER | 51°34'10.6" | 2°58'44.2" |
TB7_VER | 51°33'54" | 2°59'14.3" |
TB8_VER | 51°33'37.4" | 2°59'44" |
TB9_VER | 51°33'52.3" | 2°58'13.6" |
TB10_VER | 51°33'35.7" | 2°58'42.4" |
TB11_VER | 51°33'19.2" | 2°59'13" |
TB12_VER | 51°33'33.3" | 2°57'38.2" |
TB13_VER | 51°33'18.4" | 2°58'15.8" |
TB14_VER | 51°32'58.7" | 2°58'43.3" |
⚠ | N.A. ⚠ | N.A. ⚠ |
TB16_VER | 51°33'0.3" | 2°55'0.5" |
TB17_VER | 51°32'47.3" | 2°55'29.3" |
TB18_VER | 51°32'27.5" | 2°56'3.9" |
TB19_VER | 51°32'15.4" | 2°56'30.5" |
TB20_VER | 51°32'2.4" | 2°57'7.3" |
TB21_VER | 51°32'59.1" | 2°54'2.9" |
TB22_VER | 51°32'44" | 2°54'34.8" |
TB23_VER | 51°32'29.9" | 2°55'2.3" |
TB24_VER | 51°32'14.7" | 2°55'29.4" |
TB25_VER | 51°31'59.8" | 2°55'59.1" |
TB26_VER | 51°31'45.5" | 2°56'28.3" |
TB27_VER | 51°32'47" | 2°53'31.9" |
TB28_VER | 51°32'31.5" | 2°53'59.9" |
TB29_VER | 51°32'16.4" | 2°54'28.3" |
TB30_VER | 51°32'0.4" | 2°54'54" |
dyfs10 | 51°15'57.1" | 2°50'4.8" |
dyfs06 | 51°22'58.2" | 2°57'54.6" |
dyfs08 | 51°21'53.4" | 2°59'13.2" |
⚠ | N.A. ⚠ | N.A. ⚠ |
BGR04 | 51°26'56.3" | 2°52'45.5" |
BGR05 | 51°27'20.6" | 2°53'57.5" |
TB31_VER | 51°31'45.5" | 2°55'19.2" |
TB32_VER | 51°31'30.6" | 2°55'46.3" |
BGR01 | 51°27'8" | 2°53'26.4" |
ID | Name | Action | Station | Start Time | Start Lat | Start Long | Stop Time | Stop Lat | Stop Long | Note | Actions |
Underway data is now available through the Lifewatch Data Explorer. Here you can view and download data. Data is available in 4 different sample periods. 1 day, 1 hour, 10 minutes, 1 minute. Press the underway data button and select a sample size. It will take you directly to the explorer.
To retrieve data in the Data Explorer go to the Download tab.
Press the To File button to start the download.
Investigator | Campaign |
ruben maes | / |
peter van bove | / |
Benedict Deputter | / |
Coenraad Deputter | / |
Loes Vandecasteele | Demersal Young Fish Survey |
Noémi Van Bogaert | / |
Code | Latitude | Longitude |
dyfs26 | 51°14'57" | 2°46'12" |
dyfs18 | 51°18'10.8" | 2°47'7.8" |
dyfs11 | 51°19'56.4" | 2°49'33" |
dyfs12 | 51°18'22.2" | 2°50'26.4" |
dyfs14 | 51°19'0.6" | 2°49'54" |
dyfs08 | 51°21'53.4" | 2°59'13.2" |
ID | Name | Action | Station | Start Time | Start Lat | Start Long | Stop Time | Stop Lat | Stop Long | Note | Actions |
Underway data is now available through the Lifewatch Data Explorer. Here you can view and download data. Data is available in 4 different sample periods. 1 day, 1 hour, 10 minutes, 1 minute. Press the underway data button and select a sample size. It will take you directly to the explorer.
To retrieve data in the Data Explorer go to the Download tab.
Press the To File button to start the download.
Investigator | Campaign |
Peter Van Boven | / |
laura lemey | / |
Justin Defever | / |
Lies Vansteenbrugge | / |
Benedict Deputter | / |
Code | Latitude | Longitude |
dyfs20 | 51°18'47.4" | 2°43'4.8" |
dyfs28 | 51°18'35.4" | 2°39'43.8" |
dyfs19 | 51°10'16.8" | 2°39'19.2" |
dyfs22 | 51°11'48" | 2°36'35.4" |
dyfs21 | 51°14'55.2" | 2°39'26.4" |
ID | Name | Action | Station | Start Time | Start Lat | Start Long | Stop Time | Stop Lat | Stop Long | Note | Actions |
Underway data is now available through the Lifewatch Data Explorer. Here you can view and download data. Data is available in 4 different sample periods. 1 day, 1 hour, 10 minutes, 1 minute. Press the underway data button and select a sample size. It will take you directly to the explorer.
To retrieve data in the Data Explorer go to the Download tab.
Press the To File button to start the download.
Investigator | Campaign |
laura lemey | / |
Ilse Maertens | / |
Peter Van Boven | / |
Benedict Deputter | / |
Loes Vandecasteele | / |
Code | Latitude | Longitude |
dyfs02 | 51°27'46.2" | 3°10'57.6" |
dyfs06 | 51°22'58.2" | 2°57'54.6" |
dyfs35 | 51°26'51.6" | 3°9'14.4" |
dyfs05 | 51°27'7.2" | 3°0'43.8" |
ID | Name | Action | Station | Start Time | Start Lat | Start Long | Stop Time | Stop Lat | Stop Long | Note | Actions |
Underway data is now available through the Lifewatch Data Explorer. Here you can view and download data. Data is available in 4 different sample periods. 1 day, 1 hour, 10 minutes, 1 minute. Press the underway data button and select a sample size. It will take you directly to the explorer.
To retrieve data in the Data Explorer go to the Download tab.
Press the To File button to start the download.