Investigator | Campaign |
Jan Reubens | Migratie van vissen in kustgebieden |
Fien De Raedemaecker | PROBIO |
Jolien Goossens | Seabass |
Code | Latitude | Longitude |
No stations |
ID | Name | Action | Station | Start Time | Start Lat | Start Long | Stop Time | Stop Lat | Stop Long | Note | Actions |
Underway data is now available through the Lifewatch Data Explorer. Here you can view and download data. Data is available in 4 different sample periods. 1 day, 1 hour, 10 minutes, 1 minute. Press the underway data button and select a sample size. It will take you directly to the explorer.
To retrieve data in the Data Explorer go to the Download tab.
Press the To File button to start the download.
Investigator | Campaign |
Gizen Poffyn | / |
Salvador Jesús Fernández Bejarano | / |
Laurion Van Maldeghem | / |
Sandra Shmidlin | / |
Cammille B-Locas | / |
Clyde Blanko | / |
Jan Reubens | Migratie van vissen in kustgebieden |
Sven Van Haelst | / |
Marjan Steppe | / |
Matthias Sandra | / |
Sander Delacauw | / |
Code | Latitude | Longitude |
zbe1 | 51°21'51.5" | 3°12'2.5" |
zbe3 | 51°21'44.5" | 3°13'15.6" |
zbw1 | 51°21'46.5" | 3°11'1.1" |
zbw2 | 51°21'32.4" | 3°10'37.9" |
zbw3 | 51°21'18.2" | 3°10'11.8" |
zbe2 | 51°21'47.4" | 3°12'40.3" |
ID | Name | Action | Station | Start Time | Start Lat | Start Long | Stop Time | Stop Lat | Stop Long | Note | Actions |
Underway data is now available through the Lifewatch Data Explorer. Here you can view and download data. Data is available in 4 different sample periods. 1 day, 1 hour, 10 minutes, 1 minute. Press the underway data button and select a sample size. It will take you directly to the explorer.
To retrieve data in the Data Explorer go to the Download tab.
Press the To File button to start the download.
Investigator | Campaign |
Matthias Sandra | / |
Steven Dauwe | / |
Cammille B-Locas | / |
Clyde Blanko | / |
Jolien Goossens | Seabass |
Roeland Develter | / |
Thomas Lanssens | / |
Code | Latitude | Longitude |
grafton | 51°24'23.3" | 2°49'8.3" |
Faulbaums | 51°20'5.6" | 2°36'53.7" |
ID | Name | Action | Station | Start Time | Start Lat | Start Long | Stop Time | Stop Lat | Stop Long | Note | Actions |
Underway data is now available through the Lifewatch Data Explorer. Here you can view and download data. Data is available in 4 different sample periods. 1 day, 1 hour, 10 minutes, 1 minute. Press the underway data button and select a sample size. It will take you directly to the explorer.
To retrieve data in the Data Explorer go to the Download tab.
Press the To File button to start the download.
Investigator | Campaign |
matthias sandra | / |
Gizen Poffyn | / |
Jan Reubens | Migratie van vissen in kustgebieden |
Sven Van Haelst | / |
Paul Focke | / |
Jolien Goossens | Seabass |
Code | Latitude | Longitude |
A1 bis | 51°21'48.8" | 2°58'6.6" |
zbw1 | 51°21'46.5" | 3°11'1.1" |
zbw3 | 51°21'18.2" | 3°10'11.8" |
ID | Name | Action | Station | Start Time | Start Lat | Start Long | Stop Time | Stop Lat | Stop Long | Note | Actions |
Underway data is now available through the Lifewatch Data Explorer. Here you can view and download data. Data is available in 4 different sample periods. 1 day, 1 hour, 10 minutes, 1 minute. Press the underway data button and select a sample size. It will take you directly to the explorer.
To retrieve data in the Data Explorer go to the Download tab.
Press the To File button to start the download.