Cruise 19-410

Duration for the trips: 2019-06-03/2019-06-04

Cruise start: 2019-06-03T00:00:00Z

Cruise end: 2019-06-04T00:00:00Z

Principal investigator: Maaike Vercauteren

Ship: Simon Stevin

Destination: N.A.

Campaign(s): Verwondingen platvissen



Investigator Campaign
Maaike Vercauteren Verwondingen platvissen
Code Latitude Longitude
TB 1 51°29'38.6" 2°47'23.9"
ftWT1biss 51°30'45.2" 2°54'35.9"
ftWT3biss 51°32'21.9" 2°52'36.9"
7802 51°27'54.6" 3°3'7.8"
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Name Action Station Start Time Start Lat Start Long Stop Time Stop Lat Stop Long Notes Sample
Vercauteren Maaike CTD 7802 2019-06-03T08:37Z 51°27'48.2" 3°3'4.9" 2019-06-03T08:39Z 51°27'47.2" 3°3'3.7"
Vercauteren Maaike Beam Trawl 7802 2019-06-03T08:50Z 51°28'33.3" 3°3'52.1" 2019-06-03T09:10Z 51°28'57.3" 3°5'21.4"
NULL CTD ftWT1biss 2019-06-03T10:23Z 51°30'33.5" 2°54'32.1" 2019-06-03T10:25Z 51°30'33.3" 2°54'34.1"
NULL Beam Trawl ftWT1biss 2019-06-03T10:36Z 51°30'33.1" 2°54'9.6" 2019-06-03T10:55Z 51°30'8.8" 2°53'6.4"
Vercauteren Maaike CTD ftWT3biss 2019-06-03T11:19Z 51°31'57.3" 2°52'57.4" 2019-06-03T11:21Z 51°31'58.8" 2°53'1.7"
Vercauteren Maaike Beam Trawl ftWT3biss 2019-06-03T11:37Z 51°31'45.3" 2°52'29.2" 2019-06-03T11:58Z 51°31'18" 2°51'37.5"
Vercauteren Maaike CTD TB 1 2019-06-03T12:21Z 51°30'15.9" 2°49'41.4" 2019-06-03T12:23Z 51°30'18.5" 2°49'46.8"
Vercauteren Maaike Beam Trawl TB 1 2019-06-03T12:32Z 51°30'11.2" 2°49'15" 2019-06-03T12:57Z 51°29'39.3" 2°47'24.6"
Retrieving Underway Data

Underway data is now available through the Lifewatch Data Explorer. Here you can view and download data. Data is available in 4 different sample periods. 1 day, 1 hour, 10 minutes, 1 minute. Press the underway data button and select a sample size. It will take you directly to the explorer.

To retrieve data in the Data Explorer go to the Download tab.

step 1

Press the To File button to start the download.

step 2
Investigator Campaign
Maaike Vercauteren Verwondingen platvissen
Code Latitude Longitude
2252 51°14'29.6" 2°44'4.2"
BRN01 51°18'10.9" 2°35'42.1"
215 51°16'36" 2°36'48"
120 51°11'6" 2°42'4.2"
Name Action Station Start Time Start Lat Start Long Stop Time Stop Lat Stop Long Notes Sample
No Actions
Retrieving Underway Data

Underway data is now available through the Lifewatch Data Explorer. Here you can view and download data. Data is available in 4 different sample periods. 1 day, 1 hour, 10 minutes, 1 minute. Press the underway data button and select a sample size. It will take you directly to the explorer.

To retrieve data in the Data Explorer go to the Download tab.

step 1

Press the To File button to start the download.

step 2