Cruise 15-890

Duration for the trips:
Cruise start:
Cruise end:
Principal investigator:
Klaas Deneudt
Simon Stevin


Trip 21 Dec 2015 Canceled
2015-12-21T08:00:00Z from Oostende
2015-12-21T17:00:00Z at Oostende
Investigator Campaign
Klaas Deneudt LifeWatch
Yana Deschutter Biodiversity patterns in zooplankton
Maarten De Rijcke De structurerende rol van biotische interacties
Code Latitude Longitude
No stations
ID Name Action Station Start Time Start Lat Start Long Stop Time Stop Lat Stop Long Note Actions
Retrieving Underway Data

Underway data is now available through the Lifewatch Data Explorer. Here you can view and download data. Data is available in 4 different sample periods. 1 day, 1 hour, 10 minutes, 1 minute. Press the underway data button and select a sample size. It will take you directly to the explorer.

To retrieve data in the Data Explorer go to the Download tab.

step 1

Press the To File button to start the download.

step 2
Trip 22 Dec 2015 Canceled
2015-12-22T08:00:00Z from Oostende
2015-12-22T17:00:00Z at Oostende
Investigator Campaign
Klaas Deneudt /
Code Latitude Longitude
No stations
ID Name Action Station Start Time Start Lat Start Long Stop Time Stop Lat Stop Long Note Actions
Retrieving Underway Data

Underway data is now available through the Lifewatch Data Explorer. Here you can view and download data. Data is available in 4 different sample periods. 1 day, 1 hour, 10 minutes, 1 minute. Press the underway data button and select a sample size. It will take you directly to the explorer.

To retrieve data in the Data Explorer go to the Download tab.

step 1

Press the To File button to start the download.

step 2
Trip 23 Dec 2015 Done
2015-12-23T08:37:59Z from Oostende
2015-12-24T02:02:44Z at Oostende
Investigator Campaign
Willem De Moor /
carolien knockaert /
Michiel T'Jampens /
Jonas Mortelmans /
Yana Deschutter /
Reinhoud de Blok /
Code Latitude Longitude
120 51°11'6" 2°42'4.2"
215 51°16'36" 2°36'48"
ZG02 51°19'60" 2°30'0"
330 51°25'60" 2°48'30"
700 51°22'36" 3°13'12"
710 51°26'27" 3°8'19.2"
780 51°28'16.2" 3°3'28.8"
130 51°16'15" 2°54'18"
230 51°18'30" 2°51'0"
130 51°16'15" 2°54'18"
ID Name Action Station Start Time Start Lat Start Long Stop Time Stop Lat Stop Long Note Actions
Retrieving Underway Data

Underway data is now available through the Lifewatch Data Explorer. Here you can view and download data. Data is available in 4 different sample periods. 1 day, 1 hour, 10 minutes, 1 minute. Press the underway data button and select a sample size. It will take you directly to the explorer.

To retrieve data in the Data Explorer go to the Download tab.

step 1

Press the To File button to start the download.

step 2