* Sea-Bird SBE 25plus Data File: * FileName = H:\VLIZ_LW_20170926_230.hex * Software Version Seasave V 7.23.2 * Temperature SN = 4886 * Conductivity SN = 4292 * System UpLoad Time = Sep 26 2017 10:44:40 * NMEA Latitude = 51 18.51 N * NMEA Longitude = 002 51.00 E * NMEA UTC (Time) = Sep 26 2017 08:44:39 * Store Lat/Lon Data = Append to Every Scan * Real-Time Sample Interval = 0.2500 seconds * Baud rate = 9600 * Using SBE 33 or SBE 36 deck unit. * CTD BaudConsole = 4800 * Number of voltages exported = 5 * Historic rate = 1 * System UTC = Sep 26 2017 08:44:40 # nquan = 15 # nvalues = 17 # units = specified # name 0 = prdM: Pressure, Strain Gauge [db] # name 1 = t090C: Temperature [ITS-90, deg C] # name 2 = c0uS/cm: Conductivity [uS/cm] # name 3 = obs3+: OBS, D & A 3plus [NTU] # name 4 = altM: Altimeter [m] # name 5 = par: PAR/Irradiance, Biospherical/Licor # name 6 = flECO-AFL: Fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL [mg/m^3] # name 7 = depSM: Depth [salt water, m], lat = 51.3085 # name 8 = sbeox0Mg/L: Oxygen, SBE 43 [mg/l], WS = 2 # name 9 = sbeox0PS: Oxygen, SBE 43 [% saturation], WS = 2 # name 10 = sal00: Salinity, Practical [PSU] # name 11 = svCM: Sound Velocity [Chen-Millero, m/s] # name 12 = density00: Density [density, kg/m^3] # name 13 = nbin: number of scans per bin # name 14 = flag: flag # span 0 = 1.009, 9.079 # span 1 = 16.5792, 16.5885 # span 2 = 4.3956e+04, 4.4052e+04 # span 3 = 0.8061, 2.2506 # span 4 = 3.53, 11.43 # span 5 = 2.6422e+01, 1.2311e+03 # span 6 = 7.3237, 12.2290 # span 7 = 1.000, 9.000 # span 8 = 6.1175, 8.1618 # span 9 = 77.398, 103.201 # span 10 = 34.5325, 34.6156 # span 11 = 1511.06, 1511.22 # span 12 = 1025.2571, 1025.3205 # span 13 = 5, 12 # span 14 = 0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00 # interval = meters: 1 # start_time = Sep 26 2017 08:44:39 [NMEA time, first data scan] # bad_flag = -9.990e-29 # # # # # 4886 # 30-Nov-16 # 1 # 0.00000000e+000 # 0.00000000e+000 # 0.00000000e+000 # 0.00000000e+000 # 0.000 # 4.37066385e-003 # 6.40282268e-004 # 2.09763242e-005 # 1.68371437e-006 # 1000.000 # 1.00000000 # 0.0000 # # # # # # 4292 # 29-Nov-16 # 1 # # 0.0000 # 2000.0000 # 0 # # 0.00000000e+000 # 0.00000000e+000 # 0.00000000e+000 # 0.00000000e+000 # 0.0 # -9.57000000e-008 # # # -9.81970668e+000 # 1.49669696e+000 # -2.67705020e-003 # 2.82208870e-004 # -9.57000000e-008 # 3.2500e-006 # # 0.00000000e+000 # # 1.00000000 # 0.00000 # # # # # # 1076 # 27-Jan-17 # 1.30232017e-002 # 3.06337550e-005 # -2.68806680e-014 # -6.51126090e+001 # 5.23641401e+001 # -4.30358782e-001 # 8.39298669e+006 # 1.55317848e+002 # -4.97978819e+000 # 2.49295000e+001 # 1.00000000e-004 # 0.00000000e+000 # 0.000000 # # # # # # 2087 # 02-Dec-16 # 1 # # # 0.0000 # 0.0000e+000 # 0.0000 # 0.00e+000 # 0.0000 # 0.0 # # # # 3.8629e-001 # -0.5058 # -3.1994e-003 # 1.7048e-004 # -2.1529e-006 # 2.5826e+000 # 1.92634e-004 # -4.64803e-002 # 3.6000e-002 # 1.2200 #






# # # # # # 30.000 # 0.000 # # # # # # 70367 # 10-03-2016 # 1.00000000 # 0.00000000 # 10683760000.00000000 # 1.00000000 # -0.96444141 # # # # # # T8498_Low # 141028 # -7.16920000e-002 # 9.61450000e-002 # 2.40250000e-006 # # # # # # FLRT-3599 # 140617 # 2.50000000e+001 # # 0.0330 # # #
# datcnv_date = Mar 02 2018 12:48:51, [datcnv_vars = 8] # datcnv_in = \\FS\shared\infra\Data_Zeeleeuw\ctdcasts\processing\sbe25plus-4886-170217\4886_170926_230.hex \\FS\shared\infra\Data_Zeeleeuw\ctdcasts\4886_170217.xmlcon # datcnv_skipover = 0 # datcnv_ox_hysteresis_correction = no # filter_date = Mar 02 2018 12:48:52, # filter_in = \\FS\shared\infra\Data_Zeeleeuw\ctdcasts\processing\sbe25plus-4886-170217\cnv\4886_170926_230_c.cnv # filter_low_pass_tc_A = 0.500 # filter_low_pass_tc_B = 0.100 # filter_low_pass_A_vars = prdM obs3+ altM par flECO-AFL sbeox0V # filter_low_pass_B_vars = t090C c0uS/cm # alignctd_date = Mar 02 2018 12:48:52, # alignctd_in = \\FS\shared\infra\Data_Zeeleeuw\ctdcasts\processing\sbe25plus-4886-170217\cnv\filter\4886_170926_230_cf.cnv # alignctd_adv = c0uS/cm 0.100, sbeox0V 4.000 # loopedit_date = Mar 02 2018 12:48:52, # loopedit_in = \\FS\shared\infra\Data_Zeeleeuw\ctdcasts\processing\sbe25plus-4886-170217\cnv\filter\align\4886_170926_230_cfa.cnv # loopedit_minVelocity = 0.250 # loopedit_surfaceSoak: do not remove # loopedit_excl_bad_scans = no # Derive_date = Mar 02 2018 12:48:53, [derive_vars = 6] # Derive_in = \\FS\shared\infra\Data_Zeeleeuw\ctdcasts\processing\sbe25plus-4886-170217\cnv\filter\align\loop\4886_170926_230_cfal.cnv \\FS\shared\infra\Data_Zeeleeuw\ctdcasts\4886_170217.xmlcon # derive_time_window_docdt = seconds: 2 # derive_ox_tau_correction = yes # binavg_date = Mar 02 2018 12:48:53, # binavg_in = \\FS\shared\infra\Data_Zeeleeuw\ctdcasts\processing\sbe25plus-4886-170217\cnv\filter\align\loop\derive\4886_170926_230_cfald.cnv # binavg_bintype = meters # binavg_binsize = 1 # binavg_excl_bad_scans = yes # binavg_skipover = 0 # binavg_surface_bin = no, min = 0.000, max = 0.000, value = 0.000 # file_type = ascii