* Sea-Bird SBE 19plus Data File: * FileName = C:\SeaBird\Casts\081020_780.hex * Software Version Seasave Win32 V 5.37c * Temperature SN = 4126 * Conductivity SN = 4126 * System UpLoad Time = Oct 20 2008 11:55:13 ** Ship: zeeleeuw ** Cruise: ** Station: 780 ** Latitude: ** Longitude: # nquan = 9 # nvalues = 39 # units = specified # name 0 = prdM: Pressure, Strain Gauge [db] # name 1 = tv290C: Temperature [ITS-90, deg C] # name 2 = c0uS/cm: Conductivity [uS/cm] # name 3 = obs: OBS, Backscatterance (D & A) [NTU] # name 4 = depSM: Depth [salt water, m] # name 5 = nbin: number of scans per bin # name 6 = sal00: Salinity [PSU] # name 7 = density00: Density [density, Kg/m^3] # name 8 = flag: flag # span 0 = 1.008, 20.176 # span 1 = 13.4019, 13.5859 # span 2 = 3.7282e+04, 3.9004e+04 # span 3 = 18.3488, 130.1041 # span 4 = 1.000, 20.000 # span 5 = 4, 12 # span 6 = 31.1795, 32.6230 # span 7 = 1023.3609, 1024.5243 # span 8 = 0.0000e+00, 0.0000e+00 # interval = meters: 1 # start_time = Oct 20 2008 11:55:13 # bad_flag = -9.990e-29 # sensor 0 = Frequency 0 temperature, 4126, 18-Aug-07 # sensor 1 = Frequency 1 conductivity, 4126, 18-Aug-07, cpcor = -9.5700e-08 # sensor 2 = Pressure Number # sensor 3 = Extrnl Volt 0 backscatterance, 1814, 07-May-04 # datcnv_date = Feb 03 2009 14:29:34, 7.17 # datcnv_in = S:\ship\ctdcasts\processing\sbe19plus-4126-0710\4126_081020_780.hex S:\ship\ctdcasts\4126_0710.con # datcnv_skipover = 0 # filter_date = Apr 15 2009 16:38:14, 7.18c # filter_in = I:\ctdcasts\processing\sbe19plus-4126-0710\cnv\4126_081020_780_C.cnv # filter_low_pass_tc_A = 0.500 # filter_low_pass_tc_B = 1.000 # filter_low_pass_A_vars = c0uS/cm # filter_low_pass_B_vars = prdM depSM # alignctd_date = Apr 15 2009 16:40:30, 7.18c # alignctd_in = I:\ctdcasts\processing\sbe19plus-4126-0710\cnv\filter\4126_081020_780_CF.cnv # alignctd_adv = tv290C 0.500 # loopedit_date = Apr 15 2009 16:41:21, 7.18c # loopedit_in = I:\ctdcasts\processing\sbe19plus-4126-0710\cnv\filter\align\4126_081020_780_CFA.cnv # loopedit_minVelocity = 0.250 # loopedit_surfaceSoak: do not remove # loopedit_excl_bad_scans = no # binavg_date = Apr 15 2009 16:42:57, 7.18c # binavg_in = I:\ctdcasts\processing\sbe19plus-4126-0710\cnv\filter\align\loop\4126_081020_780_CFAL.cnv # binavg_bintype = meters # binavg_binsize = 1 # binavg_excl_bad_scans = yes # binavg_skipover = 0 # binavg_surface_bin = no, min = 0.000, max = 0.000, value = 0.000 # Derive_date = Apr 15 2009 16:44:13, 7.18c # Derive_in = I:\ctdcasts\processing\sbe19plus-4126-0710\cnv\filter\align\loop\bin\4126_081020_780_CFALB.cnv C:\Documents and Settings\michielt\Desktop\New Folder\4126_0710.con # file_type = ascii