The BERNARDO project aims to enhance the observational capacity to measure marine carbon fluxes in the BPNS by extending the ICOS infrastructure with biogeochemical parameters, i.e., by including the use of remote sensing techniques. To achieve this, an autonomous flow-through system has been developed, incorporating hyperspectral and multispectral sensors to monitor biogeochemical parameters. Additionally, a fully autonomous above-water radiometer, the DALEC system, has been installed to measure concurrent remote sensing reflectance data, thereby expanding remote sensing algorithms to satellite imagery. Both the flow-through system and the DALEC have been successfully tested in May 2024 on the Simon Stevin. To cover different optical water types and seasonal variability, measurements will be conducted each season along a South-North transect in the North Sea that spans a gradient of water masses and, subsequently, variable marine carbon fluxes.


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