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ELASMON aims to fill the knowledge gaps on the presence and habitat use of sharks and rays in the Belgian part of the North Sea (BPNS) and to make the acquired knowledge available for policy in a comprehensive knowledge guide and management plan for monitoring and protecting sharks and rays in the BPNS. ELASMON will thereby:
1. Gain new knowledge and insights on the spatial distribution and habitat use of sharks and rays in the BPNS by bringing together and analysing existing data sources.
2. Develop a camera method, i.e. Baited Remote Underwater Video (BRUV), as a basis for non-invasive monitoring of sharks and rays in the BPNS.
3. Gain insights into the presence, habitat use and biodiversity of sharks and rays in a selection of habitats of interest in the BPNS by deploying non-invasive camera techniques.
4. Mapping habitat use and spatial movement patterns of sharks and rays in the BPNS through acoustic telemetry.