Sediment Transported In Coastal systems is reworKed by eco-sYstem engineering algae: Field observations, lab experiments and modeling There is increasing evidence for a close interaction between suspended sediment transport and phytoplankton primary production in coastal waters. There is growing evidence that phytoplankton or extracellular polymers produced by phytoplankton induce flocculation of sediments, with important implications of sediment transport. Flocculation of small sediment particles into larger flocs in turn reduces underwater light extinction and, hence, may enhance phytoplankton primary production. Consequently, phytoplankton could be viewed as engineering its environment by reducing turbidity through flocculation. This project uses a novel combination of field measurements and laboratory flume experiments to understand feedbacks between phytoplankton and flocculation and the consequences for sediment transport and primary production. The novelty of the current approach consists in an intensive characterization of field conditions and the replication of field conditions in the lab and decomposition of parameters inducing flocculation in a factorial laboratory experiment. Gathered insights will subsequentially be incorporated in a coupled flocculation, phytoplankton and sediment transport model. This model will finally be applied to answer a crucial and timely question in coastal zone management, i.e. how the recent increase in offshore windfarms influence coastal sediment transport and primary production.


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