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MarIne ecosystem functioning unser anthropogenic presSsure
applying a food web approach aims to contribute to a better understanding of the relationship between community structure, ecosystem stability, efficiency and productivity in the context of human activity impacts on the marine ecosystem. More specifically, INDICES will investigate food web structure and functioning of the various habitats in the Belgian part of the North Sea. One of the study sites is the natural hard substrate area around the gravel beds in the Natura2000 area. These natural hard substrates are degraded due to bottom fisheries, and in addition, the new area planned for OWF development partially overlaps with the protected area of the Natura2000 area, where natural gravel beds are present. Therefore, understanding the ecological relevance of these natural hard substrates is crucial for setting conservation priorities. For this campaign, data from different compartments of the food web around gravel beds will be collected through dedicated grab sampling of the gravel bed fauna. This will involve measuring biomass, density, and stable isotope values for use in food web modelling.