Genomic Observatories

IMIS Project Number: 5246
The request for Genomic Observatories sampling campaigns contributes to building long-term genomic biodiversity observation time-series in a coordinated European network with shared data, protocols and metadata standards. Sampling of different marine habitats, from water column to soft sediment and hard substrates, follows pre-defined and centralized Standard Operating Protocols (SOPs). DNA extraction and sequencing are performed at centralized facilities to reduce bias and ensure consistency and high-quality of data. Data generated within the networks will follow FIAR principles (Findable, Interoperable, Accessible and Reusable) and will be open access. The overall goal is a European long-term genomic observatory providing cost-effective and high-quality genomic biodiversity data. The sampling campaigns will support the EMO BON (European Marine Omics Biodiversity Observation Network) and ARMS-MBON (Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structures (ARMS) - Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON)) networks.


Plan code Principal Investigator Duration Shared campaigns