As a result of the heavy New Year’s storms, several important archaeological sites along the Irish coastline have been damaged, although still many exceptional archaeological findings are made there. The oldest findings are 2 stone axes between 6000 and 7000 years old and a quern dated 4000 to 6000 years old.
In the spring of 2014 two new geophysical (seismic) surveys will be carried out at sea by the University of Ghent and Deltares. The first survey will take place from 22nd to 25th April on board the RV Belgica. During this survey different acoustic sources and receivers will be used to map the palaeo-landscape under the Thornton bank. The presence of old river valleys, which are now deeply buried under the sea bed, plays an important role.
This new brochure aims to introduce the recent marine spatial plan, drafted by the federal government with the participation of other partners and on the initiative of the Minister of the North Sea, in an accessible manner to the greater public.
A great new film made by the national UNESCO commission of The Netherlands increases awareness about underwater heritage.
The cannon that was found a while ago during construction works in Ostend at the beach next to the new eastern breakwater, dates back to 1645.
The news report on the regional TV channel Focus-WTV (27/03/2014) can be watched here (in Dutch).
This book contains the latest results of the archaeological studies carried out in the framework of the extension of the harbour of Rotterdam Maasvlakte 2. This Maasvlakte 2 contains numerous fossil traces from the past. From twenty meters below the water surface, archaeologists have uncovered the remains of a hunting camp from the Mesolithic period. Tools, hunting gear and an overwhelming number of remnants of the menu that was customary in this area about 8000 years before our era.
During the past months, fossil tree stumps have been exposed on the beach at various places in Ireland and the United Kingdom (Wales and Cornwall). These tree stumps still have their roots vested in the soil and as a result of a rise in sea level or related processes became flooded and now after the winter storms have become exposed and temporarily visible again in certain areas.
In het voorjaar van 2013 spoelden op de kust van Happisburgh (East-Anglia, Verenigd Koninkrijk) lemige afzettingen bloot waarin allerlei merkwaardige indrukken bewaard waren gebleven. Onderzoek heeft uitgewezen dat het om voetafdrukken van mensen gaat die in dit gebied tussen grofweg 1 miljoen en 780.000 jaar geleden voorbij zijn gekomen. De resultaten van dit onderzoek zijn onlangs publiek gemaakt en tonen aan dat het om de oudste voetafdrukken van mensen gaat aangetroffen buiten Afrika.
The Belgian Ministry of Defense will contribute to archaeological research in the North Sea. An underwater robot will investigate the seabed off the coast of Zeebrugge.
On the 14th and 15th of January 2014 the University of Ghent conducted a seismic survey at sea, in very shallow water (<5m). This survey had 2 aims: (1) the mapping of an old tidal channel ("Yde") and remains of Roman and/or Medieval peat exploitation off the coast of Raversijde, and (2) to get a better picture of a buried 18th century wreck (or remains of the wreck) right next to the new East pier of Oostende.
On Thursday 27th February 2014 a meeting with North Sea wreck divers will be organized in the frame of the IWT SeArch-Project “Archaeological Heritage in the North Sea”, during which the divers will be informed about the project. Recent developments in legislation such as the Belgian ratification of the UNESCO Convention 2001 will be discussed and the project team will propose collaborating to identify, investigate, protect and monitor ship wrecks.
On November 22nd 2013 the draft of the new law on the protection of underwater cultural heritage, an adapted and extended version of the so called “wreck law” from 2007, was approved by the federal government. This law will provide protection for all maritime and cultural heritage located in the Belgian part of the North Sea.
Een eerste geofysische survey op zee werd uitgevoerd door de Universiteit Gent en Deltares van 7 tot 11 oktober 2013 aan boord van het nieuwe Vlaamse onderzoeksschip Simon Stevin. Met behulp van een breed gamma aan akoestische apparatuur proberen we een beeld te krijgen van het archeologisch potentieel van de zgn. Oostendevallei, een oude begraven paleovallei voor de kust van Oostende.
In September 2013, the European Marine Board established a workgroup concerned with underwater cultural heritage and palaeo-landscapes (WG SUBLAND). The aim of this workgroup is to develop a strategic policy document (so called ‘position paper’) including synthesis, research agenda and policy priorities with regard to research in Europe on underwater heritage and buried palaeo-landscapes. This position paper will be published in the fall of 2014.
In the summer of 2013, the Geography Department (3D Data Acquisition Cluster) of the University of Ghent, made a large number of height measurements in the tidal area on the beach of Raversijde. Various measuring techniques (mobile and static laser scanning, topographic measurements with total station and GNSS as well as 3D modelling using photographs) were applied during the survey to allow a comparative study of different techniques.
In the framework of the SeArch project, a protocol is being prepared for the aggregate industry concerning the reporting of archaeological findings at sea. To determine the probability and possibility of coming across findings on wharfs where dredged granules are handled, two archaeology students from the University of Ghent (Lien Van der Dooren en Toon De Herdt) inspected the wharfs on Ostend and Zeebrugge during one week.
From 23rd to 27th September 2013, the SPLASHCOS Final Conference took place in Stettin (Poland) (COST Action TD0902 "Submerged Prehistoric Archaeology and Landscapes of the Continental Shelf”). Around 150 participants from 22 different countries took part in this international conference.
In about 50 lectures the following themes were addressed:
To explore the probability and possibility of coming across archaeological findings while using different fishing techniques (bottom trawling, otter trawling,…), on 17th September 2013 we accompanied ILVO (Institute for Agriculture and Fisheries Research) on board the new Flemish research vessel Simon Stevin. That day a beam trawl with a fine mesh fishing net was used to fish. In total, the net was towed six times along the sea floor.
In the academic year 2013-2014 Dr. Marnix Pieters will teach the course ‘Maritime Archaeology’ ‘Maritime Archaeology’ at the VUB, which will form part of the Masters course Art Sciences and Archaeology. With this course, organized in the frame of the SeArch project, the VUB is committed to pay the necessary academic attention to maritime archaeology.
In the framework of the SeArch project, a protocol is being prepared for the aggregate industry concerning the reporting of archaeological findings from the sea. To determine the probability and possibility of coming across findings on wharfs where dredged granules are handled, research was carried out on various wharfs in Oostendr, Zeebrugge and Kallo in June, July and August 2013.