SCAR-MarBIN Data - Terms of use

By downloading or consulting data from this website, the visitor acknowledges that he/she agrees with the SCAR-MarBIN data policy, and agrees to the following:
I. If data are extracted from the SCAR-MarBIN website, the SCAR-MarBIN network should be cited, as appropriate:
    For the Website:
    • De Broyer C and Danis B (Editors). SCAR-MarBIN: The Antarctic Marine Biodiversity Information Network. [date accessed]. World Wide Web electronic publication.
    For the Register of Antarctic Marine Species (RAMS):
    • De Broyer C, Clarke A, Koubbi P, Pakhomov E, Scott F, Vanden Berghe W and Danis B (Editors). The SCAR-MarBIN Register of Antarctic Marine Species (RAMS), [date accessed]. World Wide Web electronic publication. Available online at scarramsabout.php

    For Data used:

  • De Broyer, C. Ant'Phipoda: biodiversity of Antarctic Amphipods. Retrieved [date accessed] from
  • David B., Chone T., Festeau A., De Ridder C.. Antarctic Echinoids, an Interactive Database. Editions Universitaires Dijon. Cd Rom. Retrieved [date accessed] from
II. For information purposes, please provide to SCAR-MarBIN the full citation of any publication (printed or electronic) that cites SCAR-MarBIN or any constituent part.
III. The user recognizes the limitations of data in SCAR-MarBIN
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