Area of: in UK 'Site of Special Scientific Interest', 'National Nature Reserve', in France ' Arrêté préfectoral de protection de biotope', 'Réserve Naturelle (Volontaire)', 'Parc Naturel Régional', in Belgium 'Bosreservaat', 'Natuurreservaat', in The Netherlands ' Natuurbeschermingswetgebieden', expressed as hectare, by municipality (district, sub-region, buffer), in any given year.
Calculation :
The area of land and sea (in hectare) protected by national, regional and local statutory desginations, NOT including 'soft' protection mechanisms such as spatial planning, nor protection provided through private organisations. as calculated by the sum of the individual areas for each digital shape (GIS). In case of intersection with boundaries (buffer, sub-region) the shapes are clipped.