Overall Index of Multiple Deprivation UK - IMD 2004

  • Definition : The level of social deprivation defined by the Index of Multiple deprivation, for the UK Super Output Areas (SOA), (district, sub-region), in any given year.
  • Calculation : IMD 2004 combines seven transformed domain scores, using the following weights: Income (22.5%); Employment (22.5%); Health Deprivation and Disability (13.5%); Education, Skills and Training (13.5%); Barriers to Housing and Services (9.3%); Crime and Disorder (9.3%); Living Environment (9.3%). The SOA with the higher IMD score is more deprived that the SOA with the lower IMD score.
  • Unit : Index
  • Interactive graph available Map available Data Providers for Overall Index of Multiple Deprivation UK - IMD 2004
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