New movie: "The Story of Data on the Environment"

The University of Geneva produced an animated video called "The Story of Data on the Environment" (in short and long version). The purpose of these animations is to convince the public and decision makers about the need for improved data sharing on the environment. It is also a capacity building exercise that is trying to explain in simple words the basic concepts behind Spatial Data Infrastructures.
These videos were produced with the funding of the European Commission within the framework of the FP7 enviroGRIDS project. They will be presented at the GEOVIII plenary session in Istanbul next week.  
You will find them on the following links: long version and short version 


A blueprint for ocean and coastal sustainability

The Blueprint for Ocean and Coastal Sustainability, prepared for consideration by the UN conference on sustainable development (Rio+20, June 2012),  was presented during the 36th session of the General Conference of UNESCO. The report contains a series of concrete measures to i.a. create a global blue carbon market as a means of creating direct economic gain through habitat protection; fill governance gaps in the high seas, by reinforcing the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea; support the development of green economies in small island developing states; etc.

The Blueprint was prepared by UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). To download the entire report visit the page:

Honourable citation of the PEGASO project on EU ICZM website!

The EU website on Integrated Coastal Zone Management is an important online information portal for anyone who is involved with or interested in the EU Coastal Zone Policy. The implementation process of the EU ICZM Recommendation (2002) is explained, the state of Europe's coastal zones is assessed and the ICZM Protocol to the Barcelona Convention is described. Moreover the PEGASO research project is honourably cited to support ICZM and the Protocol's implementation.

OURCOAST Conference on ICZM in Europe: 27 - 28 October 2011, Riga, Latvia

The OURCOAST stakeholders conference on ICZM in Europe will take place on Thursday 27th and Friday 28th October 2011, in the main building of the University of Latvia in Riga. This conference is organised under the auspices of the OURCOAST initiative commissioned by the Directorate- General (DG) Environment of the European Commission. The Conference will focus on the exchange of experiences and best practices in integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) in order to share and showcase the wealth of coastal-related activities and initiatives that addresses adaptation to risks, sustainable use of resources and economic growth. The OURCOAST Stakeholders Conference will be an occasion to reflect, at high level, on the further needs to support the implementation of ICZM in Europe.

For more information and registration (until 25th October 2011), click here.

New publication: Marine protected Areas of the North Adriatic Sea in an ICZM context

François Morisseau (Master student in the UAB/La Rochelle) has completed the following report: “North Adriatic Sea Marine Protected Areas, assessment of current situation, potential pressures and synergies in an ICZM context”. You can download the document here.

François has worked especially on characterizing Marine Protected Areas of the North Adriatic Sea in an ICZM context. His work enters in the fourth objective of Pegaso: to test and validate the assessment tools at regional and local scales to understand both global and cumulative local trends and how they interact in specific coastal and marine regions.

International Coast Day, 25 September 2011

It has become tradition in the Mediterranean to celebrate the Coast Day on September 25. This year the central regional celebration will be organised at the “Sheraton” hotel in Algiers, under the high patronage of H.E. Mr. Chérif Rahmani, the Algerian Minister of Land-use Planning and Environment. The theme of the celebration will be “The Protocol has Entered into Force”.

Since a wide participation of Mediterranean experts involved in environmental issues is expected, this occasion will be used to organise a workshop on ICZM Indicators in the North African Countries (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia). It has been envisaged by the programme of the PEGASO project.

Coast Day celebrations will also be organised in several countries of the Mediterranean. All institutions and organisations working for the sustainability of our coasts are invited to join this initiative.

For more information, visit the Coast Day website.

Fourth International Symposium Monitoring of Mediterranean coastal areas - Livorno, Italy, June 2012: call for papers

This is a call for papers for the Fourth International Symposium "Monitoring of Mediterranean coastal areas: problems and measurement" that will be organized in Livorno (Italy) in June 2012.

The sessions that are scheduled include:
- Measures for environment and energy production in the coastal zone
- Morphology and evolution of coastlines and seabeds
- Flora and Fauna of the littoral system: dynamics and protection
- Coastline geography: territory uses, processes and dynamics
- Coastal landscapes: past and present aspects of human influence
- Management and integrated coastal protection: economic and legal profiles
The symposium will also include oral presentations and a poster session. Final deadline for abstracts is 21 November 2011. For further information look at this document or visit the website.

Mediterranean Conservation Sciences Conference 2011, 8 – 10 december 2011, Tour du Valat, Camargue, France

Tour du Valat, Research centre for the conservation of Mediterranean wetlands, CEFE-CNRS (Montpellier) and IMEP (Aix-Marseille) are launching a series of conference every two years targeting young scientists concerning ‘Conservation Sciences in the Mediterranean Region’. The first conference will take place in December 8-10, 2011 Tour du Valat, Camargue, France. The main objective of this conference is to create a scientific dynamism around the Mediterranean basin about the stakes of conservation sciences.  Exchanging scientific knowledge and experiences should permit us to face the conservation challenges. You will find all the information about the conference on this website.

Marine and coastal conservation: dealing with impacting activities. 30 August - 1 September 2011, Le Conquet (near Brest), France

The 2nd Eurosite Marine and Coastal Protected Areas Workshop will take place in le Conquet, Brittany – France from the 30th of August to the 1st of September 2011. The main aim of this workshop is to prepare site managers of marine and coastal areas to address novel issues, to anticipate what information, decisions and actions are necessary to protect and manage biodiversity and how to work at different scales: from local to European level. The meeting is open to pre-registered participants (members and non-members). The deadline for registration is 31 July 2011. For more information on the event, the draft programme and registration details, visit the Eurosite website or the Eurosite Marine and coastal Protected Areas Working Group dedicated website.

2nd general PEGASO meeting, 4-8 July 2011, Tulcea, Romania

The Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development will host the second general PEGASO meeting in Tulcea (Romania) from 4-8 July 2011. This meeting will focus on project progress and next steps: ICZM in the Mediterranean and Black Sea region, Regional Assessment for the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, the Pegaso ICZM Platform at work, Coastal-Marine information system, SDI and geonode building, capacity building, … A fieldtrip to the Danube Delta (one the PEGASO project CASES) will offer opportunity to participants (scientists, end-users) to share their knowledge of issues affecting the Delta and coasts and to discuss strategies for addressing those issues. Download the agenda.

Gift for the DDNI team

EU logo PEGASO is funded by the European Union within FP7- ENV.2009. Integrated Coastal Zone Management.
Contract no. 244170
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