Dr. Jean Prygiel Function : |
Curriculum Vitae : Jean Prygiel joined the Water Agency Artois-Picardie in 1988 and is Head of Knowledge and Expertise from the Natural Aquatic Environments Department (based in Douai). The department is responsible for the chemical, physico-chemical and biological monitoring of inland surface waters and groundwaters. They also work with Ifremer for the monitoring of coastal waters and ensure the implementation of two mobile laboratories and an automatic measurement buoy for specific studies conducted within the department. Mr. Prygiel has a PhD in biology and animal physiology and habilitation within the the Natural Sciences Department of Lille 1. He is also associated with the Geosystems laboratory of Lille 1 where he has been professor since 2006 and works on topics related with high frequency measurement and exchange of contaminants between sediments, water and biota and their impact on the chemical and ecological status. |