Dr. Francis Gohin Function : Researcher |
Curriculum Vitae : As a biologist graduated in mathematics, Francis Gohin has been applying remote-sensing techniques to the monitoring of the coastal environment. His experience mainly deals with the quantitative assessment of the water quality parameters (sea surface temperature, chlorophyll, turbidity, suspended particulate matters) in the spirit of the program Copernicus/GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security) of the European Union. To that purpose, he is involved in the GMES/MyOcean project (within the OceanColour TAC) providing chlorophyll and mineral suspended matter maps processed by specific algorithms dedicated to the coastal waters of Western Europe. He is also involved in several national and European projects aimed at developing the application of earth observation data to the environmental surveillance (Water Framework Directive, European, Marine Strategy Directive). He was also leading the Remote Sensing Work Package of the ECOOP project (European COastal sea OPerational observing and forecasting System). |