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OMES: Monitoring phytoplankton in the Zeeschelde [OMES: Monitoring van het fytoplankton in de Zeeschelde]
Laboratory of Protistology and Aquatic Ecology (PAE). Ugent; De Vlaamse Waterweg NV: Belgium; (2020): OMES: Monitoring phytoplankton in the Zeeschelde.
Contact: ; Laboratorium voor Protistologie en Aquatische Ecologie (UGent-PAE), more

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Availability: The data can be made available upon approval of the data provider, please contact

Identification of phytoplankton taxa (up to species level) at several sampling stations in the Zeeschelde, sampled in the context of OMES.

Biology > Ecology - biodiversity, Biology > Plankton > Phytoplankton, Coastal studies (e.g. shores, estuaries)
Marine/Coastal, Fresh water, Brackish water, Belgium, Zeeschelde, Actinastrum Lagerheim, 1882, Actinocyclus normanii (Gregory) Hustedt, 1957, Amphora C.G. Ehrenberg ex F.T. Kützing, 1844, Anabaena Bory de Saint-Vincent ex Bornet & Flahault, 1886, Aphanocapsa C.Nägeli, 1849, Asterionella formosa Hassall, 1850, Aulacoseira G.H.K. Thwaites, 1848, Caloneis P.T. Cleve, 1894, Ceratium F.Schrank, 1793, Chaetoceros C.G. Ehrenberg, 1844, Chlamydomonas Ehrenberg, 1833, Chlorella M.Beijerinck, 1890, Chroococcus Nägeli, 1849, Closterium Nitzsch ex Ralfs, 1848, Cocconeis C.G. Ehrenberg, 1837, Coelastrum Nägeli, 1849, Cosmarium Corda ex Ralfs, 1848, Crucigenia Morren, 1830, Crucigeniella Lemmermann, 1900, Cryptomonas Ehrenberg, 1831, Cyclostephanos dubius (Hustedt) Round, 1988, Cyclotella (F.T. Kützing) A. de Brébisson, 1838, Cyclotella atomus Hustedt, 1937, Cyclotella meneghiniana Kützing, 1844, Cylindrotheca closterium (Ehrenberg) Reimann & J.C.Lewin, 1964, Cymatopleura solea (Brébisson) W.Smith, 1851, Diatoma J.B.M. Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1824, Dictyosphaerium Nägeli, 1849, Dinobryon Ehrenberg, 1834, Encyonema Kütz., 1833, Euglena Ehrenberg, 1830, Eunotia C.G. Ehrenberg, 1837, Fragilaria H.C. Lyngbye, 1819, Glenodinium Ehrenberg, 1836, Golenkinia Chodat, 1894, Gomphonema C.G. Ehrenberg, 1832, Gymnodinium F.Stein, 1878, Gyrosigma A.H. Hassall, 1845, Kephyrion Pascher, 1911, Kirchneriella Schmidle, 1893, Lagerheimia R.Chodat, 1895, Lepocinclis Perty, 1849, Melosira C.A. Agardh, 1824, Merismopedia Meyen, 1839, Micractinium Fresenius, 1858, Microcystis Lemmermann, 1907, Monoraphidium Komárková-Legnerová, 1969, Navicula J.B.M. Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1822, Nitzschia A.H. Hassall, 1845, Oocystis Nägeli ex A.Braun, 1855, Oscillatoria Vaucher ex Gomont, 1892, Pandorina Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1824, Paralia sulcata (Ehrenberg) Cleve, 1873, Pediastrum Meyen, 1829, Peridiniopsis Lemmermann, 1904, Peridinium Ehrenberg, 1830, Phacus Dujardin, 1841, Planktothrix Anagnostidis & Komárek, 1988, Pseudo-nitzschia H. Peragallo in H. Peragallo & M. Peragallo, 1900, Rhaphoneis amphiceros (Ehrenberg) Ehrenberg, 1844, Rhizosolenia pungens Cleve-Euler, 1937, Rhodomonas G.Karsten, 1898, Rhoicosphenia A. Grunow, 1860, Scenedesmus Meyen, 1829, Skeletonema R.K. Greville, 1865, Snowella Elenkin, 1938, Spirulina Turpin ex Gomont, 1892, Staurodesmus Teiling, 1948, Stephanodiscus hantzschii Grunow, 1880, Surirella P.J.F. Turpin, 1828, Synedra C.G. Ehrenberg, 1830, Synura Ehrenberg, 1834, Tabellaria C.G. Ehrenberg ex F.T. Kützing, 1844, Tetraedron Kützing, 1845, Tetrastrum Chodat, 1895, Thalassiosira P.T. Cleve, 1873 emend. Hasle, 1973, Trachelomonas Ehrenberg, 1834

Geographical coverage
Belgium, Zeeschelde Stations [Marine Regions]
Coordinates: Long: 4,3941; Lat: 51,2233 [WGS84]
Coordinates: Long: 4,4485; Lat: 51,0718 [WGS84]
Coordinates: Long: 4,3539; Lat: 51,088 [WGS84]
Coordinates: Long: 3,7228; Lat: 51,0021 [WGS84]
Coordinates: Long: 4,0759; Lat: 51,0378 [WGS84]
Coordinates: Long: 4,1058; Lat: 51,0348 [WGS84]
Coordinates: Long: 4,496; Lat: 51,0239 [WGS84]
Coordinates: Long: 4,1728; Lat: 51,1102 [WGS84]
Coordinates: Long: 4,3171; Lat: 51,3078 [WGS84]
Coordinates: Long: 4,2196; Lat: 51,1214 [WGS84]
Coordinates: Long: 3,9594; Lat: 51,0131 [WGS84]

Temporal coverage
From 9 January 1996 on [In Progress]

Taxonomic coverage
Actinastrum Lagerheim, 1882 [WoRMS]
Actinocyclus normanii (Gregory) Hustedt, 1957 [WoRMS]
Amphora C.G. Ehrenberg ex F.T. Kützing, 1844 [WoRMS]
Anabaena Bory de Saint-Vincent ex Bornet & Flahault, 1886 [WoRMS]
Aphanocapsa C.Nägeli, 1849 [WoRMS]
Asterionella formosa Hassall, 1850 [WoRMS]
Aulacoseira G.H.K. Thwaites, 1848 [WoRMS]
Caloneis P.T. Cleve, 1894 [WoRMS]
Ceratium F.Schrank, 1793 [WoRMS]
Chaetoceros C.G. Ehrenberg, 1844 [WoRMS]
Chlamydomonas Ehrenberg, 1833 [WoRMS]
Chlorella M.Beijerinck, 1890 [WoRMS]
Chroococcus Nägeli, 1849 [WoRMS]
Closterium Nitzsch ex Ralfs, 1848 [WoRMS]
Cocconeis C.G. Ehrenberg, 1837 [WoRMS]
Coelastrum Nägeli, 1849 [WoRMS]
Cosmarium Corda ex Ralfs, 1848 [WoRMS]
Crucigenia Morren, 1830 [WoRMS]
Crucigeniella Lemmermann, 1900 [WoRMS]
Cryptomonas Ehrenberg, 1831 [WoRMS]
Cyclostephanos dubius (Hustedt) Round, 1988 [WoRMS]
Cyclotella (F.T. Kützing) A. de Brébisson, 1838 [WoRMS]
Cyclotella atomus Hustedt, 1937 [WoRMS]
Cyclotella meneghiniana Kützing, 1844 [WoRMS]
Cylindrotheca closterium (Ehrenberg) Reimann & J.C.Lewin, 1964 [WoRMS]
Cymatopleura solea (Brébisson) W.Smith, 1851 [WoRMS]
Diatoma J.B.M. Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1824 [WoRMS]
Dictyosphaerium Nägeli, 1849 [WoRMS]
Dinobryon Ehrenberg, 1834 [WoRMS]
Encyonema Kütz., 1833 [WoRMS]
Euglena Ehrenberg, 1830 [WoRMS]
Eunotia C.G. Ehrenberg, 1837 [WoRMS]
Fragilaria H.C. Lyngbye, 1819 [WoRMS]
Glenodinium Ehrenberg, 1836 [WoRMS]
Golenkinia Chodat, 1894 [WoRMS]
Gomphonema C.G. Ehrenberg, 1832 [WoRMS]
Gymnodinium F.Stein, 1878 [WoRMS]
Gyrosigma A.H. Hassall, 1845 [WoRMS]
Kephyrion Pascher, 1911 [WoRMS]
Kirchneriella Schmidle, 1893 [WoRMS]
Lagerheimia R.Chodat, 1895 [WoRMS]
Lepocinclis Perty, 1849 [WoRMS]
Melosira C.A. Agardh, 1824 [WoRMS]
Merismopedia Meyen, 1839 [WoRMS]
Micractinium Fresenius, 1858 [WoRMS]
Microcystis Lemmermann, 1907 [WoRMS]
Monoraphidium Komárková-Legnerová, 1969 [WoRMS]
Navicula J.B.M. Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1822 [WoRMS]
Nitzschia A.H. Hassall, 1845 [WoRMS]
Oocystis Nägeli ex A.Braun, 1855 [WoRMS]
Oscillatoria Vaucher ex Gomont, 1892 [WoRMS]
Pandorina Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1824 [WoRMS]
Paralia sulcata (Ehrenberg) Cleve, 1873 [WoRMS]
Pediastrum Meyen, 1829 [WoRMS]
Peridiniopsis Lemmermann, 1904 [WoRMS]
Peridinium Ehrenberg, 1830 [WoRMS]
Phacus Dujardin, 1841 [WoRMS]
Planktothrix Anagnostidis & Komárek, 1988 [WoRMS]
Pseudo-nitzschia H. Peragallo in H. Peragallo & M. Peragallo, 1900 [WoRMS]
Rhaphoneis amphiceros (Ehrenberg) Ehrenberg, 1844 [WoRMS]
Rhizosolenia pungens Cleve-Euler, 1937 [WoRMS]
Rhodomonas G.Karsten, 1898 [WoRMS]
Rhoicosphenia A. Grunow, 1860 [WoRMS]
Scenedesmus Meyen, 1829 [WoRMS]
Skeletonema R.K. Greville, 1865 [WoRMS]
Snowella Elenkin, 1938 [WoRMS]
Spirulina Turpin ex Gomont, 1892 [WoRMS]
Staurodesmus Teiling, 1948 [WoRMS]
Stephanodiscus hantzschii Grunow, 1880 [WoRMS]
Surirella P.J.F. Turpin, 1828 [WoRMS]
Synedra C.G. Ehrenberg, 1830 [WoRMS]
Synura Ehrenberg, 1834 [WoRMS]
Tabellaria C.G. Ehrenberg ex F.T. Kützing, 1844 [WoRMS]
Tetraedron Kützing, 1845 [WoRMS]
Tetrastrum Chodat, 1895 [WoRMS]
Thalassiosira P.T. Cleve, 1873 emend. Hasle, 1973 [WoRMS]
Trachelomonas Ehrenberg, 1834 [WoRMS]

Phytoplankton abundance
Phytoplankton biomass

Universiteit Gent; Faculteit Wetenschappen; Vakgroep Biologie; Laboratorium voor Protistologie en Aquatische Ecologie (PAE), moredata creator
Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ), more

Related datasets
Child datasets:
Phytoplankton dataset: monitoring at Hamme veer (August 1996 - October 1996; every 2 days), more
Phytoplankton dataset: riverine, brackish and freshwater tidal estuarine stations in the Schelde estuary (summer 1995 and spring 1996), more
Previous version:
OMES: Examination of the plankton and organic matter in the flemish part of the Scheldt estuary, more

Dataset status: In Progress
Data type: Data
Data origin: Monitoring: field survey
Metadatarecord created: 2007-02-27
Information last updated: 2022-08-04
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