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Atmospheric nitrogen fluxes at the Belgian coast: 2004-2006
Bencs, L.; Krata, A.; Horemans, B.; Buczynska, A.J.; Dirtu, A.C.; Godoi, A.F.L.; Godoi, R.H.M.; Potgieter-Vermaak, S.; Van Grieken, R. (2009). Atmospheric nitrogen fluxes at the Belgian coast: 2004-2006. Atmos. Environ. (1994) 43(24): 3786-3798.
Peer reviewed article  

Available in  Authors 

    Chemical compounds > Nitrogen compounds
    Inorganic compounds
    Organic matter > Carbon > Organic carbon > Dissolved organic matter > Dissolved organic carbon
    Temporal variations > Periodic variations > Seasonal variations
    Topographic features > Landforms > Coasts
    ANE, Belgium, Belgian Coast [Marine Regions]
Author keywords
    Gaseous; Aerosol; Wet nitrogen flux; Atmospheric deposition; InorganicN-nutrients; Dissolved organic nitrogen; Coastal eutrophication; NorthSea

Authors  Top 
  • Buczynska, A.J., more
  • Dirtu, A.C., more
  • Godoi, A.F.L., more
  • Godoi, R.H.M., more
  • Potgieter-Vermaak, S., more
  • Van Grieken, R., more

    Daily and seasonal variations in dry and wet atmospheric nitrogen fluxes have been studied during four campaigns between 2004 and 2006 at a coastal site of the Southern North Sea at De Haan (Belgium) located at coordinates of 51.1723° N and 3.0369°; E. Concentrations of inorganic N-compounds were determined in the gaseous phase, size-segregated aerosol (coarse, medium, and fine), and rainwater samples. Dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) was quantified in rainwater. The daily variations in N-fluxes of compounds were evaluated with air-mass backward trajectories, classified into the main air-masses arriving at the sampling site (i.e., continental, North Sea, and Atlantic/UK/Channel).The three, non-episodic campaigns showed broadly consistent fluxes, but during the late summer campaign exceptionally high episodic N-deposition was observed. The average dry and wet fluxes for non-episodic campaigns amounted to 2.6 and4.0mg N m-2 d-1, respectively, whereas during the episodic late summer period these fluxes were as high as 5.2 and 6.2mg N m-2 d-1, respectively. Non-episodic seasons/campaigns experienced average aerosol fluxes of 0.9-1.4 mg N m d-1. Generally, the contribution of aerosol NH4+ was more significant in the medium and fine particulate fractions than that of aerosol NO3-, whereas the latter contributed more in the coarse fraction, especially in continental air-masses. During the dry mid-summer campaign, the DON contributed considerably (~15%) to the total N-budget.Exceptionally high episodic aerosol-N inputs have been observed for the late summer campaign, with especially high deposition rates of 3.6 and 2.9 mg N m-2 d-1 for Atlantic/UK/Channel and North Sea-continental (mixed) air-masses, respectively. During this pollution episode, the flux of NH4+ was dominating in each aerosol fraction/air-mass, except for coarse continental aerosols. High deposition of gaseous-N was also observed in this campaign with an average total N-flux of 2-2.5-times higher than in other campaigns.

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