Active partners
The project partners strive to collaborate as much as possible for the major tasks. Each task has a team leader and one or several partners that are responsible for the research.
General coordination will be done by The Laboratory of Environmental Toxicology and Aquatic Ecology (UG-LMAE) of Ghent University, who will also be the central link between the project and the outside world. MUMM and VLIZ will be responsible for sampling and field deployment and will provide cruise time on their research vessels. MUMM, The Laboratory of Chemical Analysis (UG-LCA) of Ghent University and the Flemish Environment Agency (FEA) will collaborate on the chemical analysis. The ecological monitoring will be coordinated by The Marine Biology Section (UG-LMB) of Ghent University in close collaboration with UG-LMAE. The in situ assays, laboratory studies and the integrated risk assessment will be the responsibility of UG-LMAE, the latter in collaboration with subcontractor EURAS. Collection and storage of the environmental data will be done by VLIZ, who will also be responsible for reporting the data to IDOD. Final integration of the project which includes the performance of the integrated risk assessment and development of assessment/monitoring procedures, will be done by EURAS and UG-LMAE. * click on the logo for a direct link to the institute website, on the institute name for more information on the project partners *
In the framework of the INRAM project, a collaboration exists between:
- The Laboratory of Environmental Toxicology and Aquatic Toxicology (Ghent University) and
The Marine Biology Section (Ghent University) and
Follow-up committee
The follow-up committee has been selected, on the one hand, because its ability to provide either an active follow-up of the project Advise or its possibilities to promote valorization of the research. Members of the follow-up committee will be invited to provide, on a continuous basis, suggestions for valorization, information and advice. On the other hand, the committee has also been selected on the basis of the fact that the committee members are potential users of the results. In the table below an overview is presented of the members of the committee and the institutes or research groups they're affiliated with:
INRAM is a project Supported by the Belgian Science Policy (BELSPO): SSD Science for sustainable Development
General coordination: Colin Janssen
Hosted by the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ)