- A fundamental study on exchange processes in river ecosystems, more
- A study of the carbon flux through the microbial food web in aquatic systems: experiments and modelling, more
- Biodiversity and the role of interstitial benthos of two European sandy beaches, more
- Biotic interactions in turbid estuarine systems, more
- Chemical and biological aspects of metal uptake by aquatic organisms, more
- Chemical and biological aspects of metal uptake by aquatic organisms: an experimental and modeling analysis of the metal accumulation in mussels, more
- CISS: Bio-physical characterization of indicators of sediment stability in mudflats using remote sensing, more
- Cryptische diversiteit bij diatomeeën (Bacillariophyta): biologische betekenis en implicaties voor biogeografisch en ecologisch onderzoek, more
- De invloed van overdruk in fijnkorrelige sedimentreeksen op de structurele en hydrodynamische evolutie van sedimentaire bekkens, more
- De rol van de biologische koolstofpomp als mechanisme voor koolstofexport naar diepzee en sedimenten in de Zuidelijke Oceaan, more
- Development of simulation models for two-phase flow on geophysical scale, with applications to sediment transport in estuaries and coastal zones, more
- DIVPROD: Diversity - Productivity Relationships in Microphytobenthos, more
- Ecological characterization of European estuaries, with emphasis on the Scheldt estuary, more
- Ecological genetics: patterns and processes of genetic variation in natural populations, more
- Effect van biogeografische isolatie op mariene biodiversiteit: harpacticoide copepoden in tropische zeegrasvelden als modelstudie, more
- Effecten van anthropogene stress (zware metalen, gechloreerde koolwaterstoffen en thermale vervuiling) op de genetische structuur van natuurlijke populaties van intertidale ongewervelden, more
- Evolutie, diversiteit en biogeografie van pennate zoetwater- en mariene diatomeeën: een multi-methode benadering, more
- EXWACO: Statistical and physical aspects of extreme waves in coastal areas, more
- Food, oxygen and bioturbation: an experimental study of meiofauna community structure, more
- Functional and structural aspects of biodiversity in an estuarine detrital food web, with emphasis on free-living nematodes and their interactions with bacteria, more
- Functional role and characteristics of micro-organisms in the larvi culture of aquatic organisms: Artemia as preferred test organism, more
- Fylogenie van de Typhloplanida en de Kalypthorhynchia (Plathelminthes) in een multidisciplinaire benadering, more
- Geïntegreerde cohesief-sedimenttransportmodellering. II, more
- Habitat use and foraging strategy of large herbivores on small-scaled coastal dune landscape, more
- Hoge-resolutie seismische studie van de gedetailleerde 3-dimensionele opbouw van sedimentaire systemen in mariene en lacustriene bekkens, more
- Hydrodynamica en sediment transport. Fundamentele aspecten bij een duurzaam beheer van zandige kustzones, more
- Larviculture of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus): zootechnical, pathological and microbiological aspects, more
- Modelling migrations of marine juvenile fish between coastal zones and estuaries, more
- Numerical modelling and experimental validation of wave interaction with impermeable sea dikes, more
- Rotterdam and Antwerp: a century and a half of port competition in the Rhein-Scheldt-Meuse delta (1860-2000), more
- Spatial geophysical analysis of the 'Magellan' carbonate build-ups and the interaction with drift processes: key towards a genetic interpretation, more
- Study of the biology of the brine shrimp Artemia for the optimal use in aquaculture and for the production of cheap animal proteins, more
- The balance between heterotrophic and autotophic processes in the Scheldt estuary: consequences for the carbon and nitrogen cycles, more
- The hydrodynamics of sediment transport. Fundamental aspects for a sustainable development of sandy coastal areas, more
- Theoretische en experimentele studie van het gedrag van schepen en andere maritieme constructies met de nadruk op ondiepe en beperkte wateren, more
- Theoretische en experimentele studie van het gedrag van schepen in ondiepe en beperkte vaarwateren, more
- Theoretische en experimentele studie van hydrodynamische aspecten van de problematiek inzake het gedrag van schepen in beperkte wateren, more
- Tidal freshwater marshes as processors and sinks of nitrogen in estuaries: a whole ecosystem 15N-labeling study, more
- Trace elements as proxies of biochemical processes in aquatic systems, more
- Trophical interactions in protist communities of intertidal estuarine sediments. I, more
- Trophical interactions in protist communities of intertidal estuarine sediments. II, more
- Trophical relations in tidal-bounded systems, more
- Vergelijkend morfologisch- en moleculair-taxonomisch onderzoek van Bacillariophyta, Nematoda, Crustacea en Rotifera, more
- VlaNeZO: Vlaams - Nederlandse samenwerking op het gebied van zeewetenschappen, more