Paris, France, 23 march 2006
Workshop on the use of indicators on the coast
The French DEDUCE workshop has been held in the French Ministry of
Ecology and Sustainable Development. Approximatively 170 people participated
in the technical Seminar from local authorities, services of the State,
NGO, universities and reserch centers.During this day, differents works
has been presented :
- DEDUCE works from European Topic Center, Catalan Governement, Ifen
and Coordination Center of ICZM in Flanders,
- Other local and regional uses of indicators on the coast in France.
The Seminar was a success showing people the interest in these indicators
and data, their dissemination and the communication of knowledge and
korking methods.
St. Julian, Malta, 2-3 october 2006
Workshop on Coastal and Marine Indicators “Measuring sustainable
development on the coast”
The Malata Environment and Planning Authority (MEPA) hosted a two day-workshop. The scope of this seminar was to look at different indicator-based approaches for sustainability analysis and to discuss how these coul held develop the DEDUCE indicators as tools for decision making and policy formulation. All the participants agreed that the DEDUCE experience is useful especially in developing a methodology for calculating indicators and in adrdressing data-related issues.
Riga, Latvia, 18 October 2006
Workshop “Development of the Latvian Coast and the Establishment
of Coastal Information System”
Institute for Environmental Science and Management of the University of Latvia organised a workshop to assess the coastal indicator system elaborated under the frame of DEDUCE project. 56 participants represented four key-target groups: Local governments, District governments and regional development agencies, State environment protection and regional management institutions, Non-governmental organisations, development planning consultants…Indicator system elaborated under the frame of DEDUCE project in general was evaluated positively. Introduction of this system will provide new information and knowledge both to local governments and national institutions responsible for coastal management and in future might contribute to the optimisation of human and financial resources.
Ostend, Belgium, 8 november 2005
Workshop “Our Coastal Policy in Focus”, about indicators
for the coast
Flanders Marine Institut (VLIZ) and the coordination center for ICZM hosted a workshop attended by 50 participants. During the morning programme, invited speakers gave their vision of the importance of ICZM and the advantages of working with an indicator-based approach. During the afternoon programme, two parallel workshops dealt with the calculation and the standardisation of sustanainability indicators for the coast, and with the evaluation of the implementation of ICZM.
Krokowa, Poland, 27 october 2006
Workshop on the development of an ICZM strategy for the Pomerarian Voivodshop
The conference took place in Krokowa with 54 participants from the central government, Navy, Marshal’s Office of the Pomerarian Voivodshop, Maritimes Offices, water management, forestry and nature protection authorities, municipalities, the Gdansk University and the Maritime Institut in Gdansk. The Conference has been a combined effort of two Interreg projects relatde to coastal zone managent : DEDUCE and PlanCoast, related to spatial planning of marine areas. The progress indicator was found to be a good tool for assessing the progress of ICZM. The 27 indicators seem to be a good tool for supporting long-term decision-making.
Barcelona, Spain, 1 December 2006
Workshop on indicators for Integrated Coastal Zone Management in Spain.
The Department of Environment and Housing of the Catalan Government
organised the Spanish seminar on coastal indicators. The achieved total
attendance was 59 persons. Around 75% came from Catalonia; the other
participants came from other Spanish locations, except two participants
from Portugal and Belgium. Almost all participants belong to national,
regional, or local public administration or research and academic institutions.
The central point of the seminar was the discussion on indicators and
measures for the coastal zone. DEDUCE was assessed as a positive contribution
for the coastal policy, but it is an initial work on coastal or sea
monitoring. The calculation of common indicators for different areas
requires a considerable effort. In some cases, a lot of indicators cannot
be calculated in a common way for different zones. Despite the difficulty,
the effort of convergence must be made.