Publications (13) |
Top | Institute | Publications |
A1 Publications (3) [show] |
- Kempeneers, P.; Deronde, B.; Provoost, S.; Houthuys, R. (2009). Synergy of airborne digital camera and Lidar data to map coastal dune vegetation. J. Coast. Res. SI 53: 73-82.
- Deronde, B.; Kempeneers, P.; Houthuys, R.; Henriet, J.-P.; Van Lancker, V. (2008). Sediment facies classification of a sandy shoreline by means of airborne imaging spectroscopy. Int. J. Remote Sens. 29(15): 4463-4477.
- Deronde, B.; Kempeneers, P.; Forster, R.M. (2006). Imaging spectroscopy as a tool to study sediment characteristics on a tidal sandbank in the Westerschelde. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 69(3-4): 580-590.
Peer reviewed publication [show] |
- Deronde, B.; Sterckx, S.; Bertels, L.; Knaeps, E.; Kempeneers, P. (2006). Imaging spectroscopy and integrated coastal zone management: a promising marriage, in: Brebbia, C.A. (Ed.) Environmental Problems in Coastal Regions VI: Including Oil and Chemical Spill Studies. 6th International Conference on Environmental Problems in Coastal Regions, Rhodes, June 5-7, 2006. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 88: pp. 327-339.
Book chapters (3) [show] |
- Kempeneers, P.; Sterckx, S.; Debruyn, W.; De Backer, S.; Scheunders, P.; Park, Y.; Ruddick, K. (2005). Retrieval of oceanic constituents from ocean color using simulated annealing, in: Proceedings of the 25th International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) held in Seoul, 25-29, July, 2005. pp. 5651-5654
- Sterckx, S.; Debruyn, W.; Kempeneers, P. (2005). Hyperspectral airborne remote sensing of the Belgian coastal waters, in: Zagajewski, B. et al. (Ed.) Imaging spectroscopy. New quality in environmental studies: Proceedings of the 4th EARSeL Workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy, Warsaw, April 26-29 2005. pp. 293-299
Kempeneers, P.; Deronde, B.; Bertels, L.; Debruyn, W.; De Backer, S.; Scheunders, P. (2004). Classifying hyperspectral airborne imagery for vegetation survey along coastlines, in: Proceedings of Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 20-24 september 2004. Anchorage, Alaska. Volume 2. pp. 1475-1478
Thesis [show] |
- Kempeneers, P. (2007). Informatiewinning uit hyperspectrale beelden toegepast op vegetatie. PhD Thesis. Universiteit Antwerp, Faculteit Wetenschappen, Departement Natuurkunde: Antwerpen. 170 pp.
Abstract [show] |
Bertels, L.; Knaeps, E.; Kempeneers, P.; Deronde, B.; Houthuys, R. (2012). Remote sensing, an important tool for Integrated Coastal Zone Management, in: Belpaeme, K. et al. (Ed.) Book of Abstracts. International Conference Littoral 2012: Coasts of Tomorrow. Kursaal, Oostende, 27-29 November 2012. VLIZ Special Publication, 61: pp. 133-134
Reports (2) [show] |
- Kissiyar, O.; Van Valckenborgh, J.; Deronde, B.; Provoost, S.; Kempeneers, P.; Houthuys, R.; Tortelboom, E. (2005). Vegetatiekartering d.m.v. hyperspectrale vliegtuigopnamen, toegepast op dynamische duingebieden, slikken en schorren = Airborne hyperspectral remote sensing of the dynamic dunes along the Belgian coast (HYPERKART). Versie 2.0. AWZ/Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid/GIS Vlaanderen/Instituut voor Natuurbehoud/VITO/Vlaamse Landmaatschappij: [s.l.]. xiii, 180 + maps, cd-rom pp.
- Kissiyar, O.; Van Valckenborgh, J.; Deronde, B.; Provoost, S.; Kempeneers, P.; Houthuys, R.; Tortelboom, E. (2005). Vegetatiekartering d.m.v. hyperspectrale vliegtuigopnamen, toegepast op dynamische duingebieden, slikken en schorren = Airborne hyperspectral remote sensing of the dynamic dunes along the Belgian coast (HYPERKART). Versie 2.0. AWZ/Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid/GIS Vlaanderen/Instituut voor Natuurbehoud/VITO/Vlaamse Landmaatschappij: [s.l.]. xiii, 180 + maps, cd-rom pp.
Other publications (2) [show] |
Deronde, B.; Provoost, S.; Kempeneers, P.; Houthuys, R. (2009). Duin- en andere kustvegetaties in kaart brengen vanuit de lucht: het hoe en waarom. Koninklijk Gallois Genootschap 63(5): 218, 220, 222, 224, 226
Deronde, B.; Provoost, S.; Kempeneers, P.; Houthuys, R. (2008). Duin- en andere kustvegetaties in kaart brengen vanuit de lucht: het hoe en waarom, in: De Grote Rede 23. De Grote Rede: Nieuws over onze Kust en Zee, 23: pp. 16-20