
Wednesday 29 November 2006: First Thematic workshop ENCORA, Valencia, Spain
This conference in Valencia, from 29 November to 1 December aims at elaborating a new concept in sharing European knowledge and experience in integrated coastal management: The EUROPEAN WIKI COASTAL DIRECTORY. The participants in the conference will be invited to reflect on the outline of the Directory and to contribute to the content.

The Coastal Directory will provide a survey of existing coastal knowledge and experience in Europe, with references to the most relevant knowledge sources published in the literature and on the internet. It is intended that it will be used for daily practice by professionals in coastal science, practice and policy. It will be embedded in WIKIMEDIA software, allowing expert users to update the directory at any time with new knowledge. The directory should become a major tool for keeping coastal professionals informed of recent developments and new major knowledge sources in their field.

The contribution of the participants will be acknowledged as author or co-author of one or several articles in the forthcoming directory, describing the main ideas of the state of the art in their field.

The meeting starts with a plenary session in the morning of the first day, where ENCORA and the WIKI COASTAL DIRECTORY will be introduced, followed by a discussion on user requirements with a panel of potential users. The morning session ends with a keynote on science communication. In the afternoon the themes break out in parallel sessions. The theme participants are invited to present their views on the outline and content of the theme contribution to the Coastal Directory. The theme sessions will continue the next morning elaborating a first outline. During the field visit the theme coordinators will sit together to tune the different theme proposals. The result will be discussed at a plenary session at the end of the afternoon. The next morning, during a final breakout, the theme groups will make appointments for contributions to be delivered to the directory. The conference ends with a plenary wrap-up session.
Organiser: Hispacosta, ENCORA

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