Thursday 2 Februari 2006: Kick-off meeting ENCORA, The Hague |
Rijkswaterstaat/RIKZ, The Hague
2 February 2006
Attendance: lnvited high-Ievel officials of European and national organisations
(invitations have been sent to, amongst others, the director-general of DG Environment, the executive director of the European Environmental Agency and national coastal authorities at director level in other European countries)
ENCORA Advisory Board
ENCORA Steering Committee
ENCORA Coordination Offices
10:30 Welcome
Director RIKZ
Chairman oJthe Dutch Coastal Network NCK
10:45 Why do we need ENCORA?
In no region of the world so much effort is spent on coastal management and coastal research as in Europe. ENCORA helps to overcome present fragmentation and to take advantage of the European dimension to find the best solutions for sustainable coastal management.
Coordinator ENCORA
11:00 The ENCORA Theatre Company presents a Play in 4 Acts:
The European Melting Pot of Coastal Knowledge and Experience
Members of the Dutch Coastal Network NCK portray some important networking mechanisms in 4 short acts, with the help of online colleagues abroad. This play is fiction today, but will be common practice after three years ENCORA.
11 :30 Panel reflections
Invited officials of European and national organisations.
Interview of panel members on "What is most needed to make ENCORA a success?" and on ENCORA statements:
• good coastal practice is good for Europe.
• local coastal issues are seldom unique, but exist elsewhere in Europe.
• national and local coastal authorities are not alone: they have European colleagues.
• issues in coastal science, policy and practice cannot be solved separately.
• 'not invented here' is often better than 'invented here'.
12:00 Closure
Summary of recommendations.
12:15 Lunch
ENCORA Advisory Board
ENCORA Steering Committee
ENCORA Coordination Offices
14:00 Contribution of the Affiliated Networks represented in the Advisory Board to the objectives and networking mechanisms of ENCORA
Conclusion and agreements
15:00 Contribution of ENCORA to the objectives of the Affiliated Networks represented in theAdvisory Board Discussion
Conclusion and agreements
16:00 Summing-up of the results of Working Session 1
16:15 Tee break
Attendance: ENCORA Steering Committee
ENCORA Coordination Offices
17:00 WorkPackage2
WP2coordinator Panayotis Prinos
Tasks, deliverables and procedures ofthe National Coordination Offices Discussion Conclusion and agreements
19:00 Closure
20:30 Dinner
3 February
Attendance: ENCORA Steering Committee
ENCORA Coordination Offices
9:00 Work Package 3
WP3 coordinator Andrew Chadwick
Tasks, deliverables and procedures of the Theme Coordination Offices
Conclusion and agreements
11 :00 Coffee break
11:30 Work Package 4
WP4coordinators Alan Pickaver and Irene Lucius of the practitioners network EUCC
ENCORA Web-Portal and communication/dissemination activities
Conclusion and agreements
13:00 Lunch
Attendance: ENCORA Steering Committee
ENCORA Coordination Offices
14:00 Work Package 1
ENCORA Coordinator ENCORA procedures, administrative and financial aspects
Conclusion and agreements
16:00 Closure |
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