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BlackSea source details

Carballo, J.L.; Garcia-Gómez, J.C. (1994). Esponjas del Estrecho de Gibraltar y áreas próximas, con nuevas aportaciones para la fauna Iberica [Porifera from the Straits of Gibraltar and nearby areas, new species of the Iberian fauna]. Cahiers de Biologie Marine. 35(2): 193-211.
Carballo, J.L.; Garcia-Gómez, J.C.
Esponjas del Estrecho de Gibraltar y áreas próximas, con nuevas aportaciones para la fauna Iberica [Porifera from the Straits of Gibraltar and nearby areas, new species of the Iberian fauna]
Cahiers de Biologie Marine
35(2): 193-211
This paper deals with the faunistic study of the Porifera from Southern Spain, especially from the Straits of Gibraltar and nearby areas. We have identified 110 species and five of them are recorded for the first time from the Iberian coasts : Hymedesmia senegalensis, Hymerhabdia typica. Haliclona valliculata. Haliclona neens and Chalinula nigra. We redescribe those five species and include a taxonomie discussion for each of them.Another poorly known species, Haliclona indistincta is briefly described.
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2013-01-12 18:30:12Z
2015-02-14 15:04:22Z

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