Proceedings of the Nineteenth European Marine Biology Symposium, Plymouth, Devon, UK, 16-21 September 1984
Gibbs, P.E. (Ed.) (1985). Proceedings of the Nineteenth European Marine Biology Symposium, Plymouth, Devon, UK, 16-21 September 1984. European Marine Biology Symposia, 19. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. ISBN 0-521-30294-3. 541 pp.
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VLIZ: Marine Biology [106296]
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- 19th European Marine Biology Symposium, meer
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- Loder, J.W.; Platt, T. (1985). Physical controls on phytoplankton at tidal fronts, in: Gibbs, P.E. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 19th European Marine Biology Symposium, Plymouth, Devon, UK, 16-21 September 1984. pp. 3-21, meer
- Agoumi, A.; Gosse, P.; Khalanski, M. (1985). Numerical modelling of the influence of the vertical thermal structure on phytoplanktonic growth in the English Channel, in: Gibbs, P.E. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 19th European Marine Biology Symposium, Plymouth, Devon, UK, 16-21 September 1984. pp. 23-37, meer
- Jacobsen, T.R.; Hodson, R.E.; MacCubbin, A.E.; Pomeroy, L.R. (1985). Influence of a Gulf Stream intrusion on abundance and activity of phytoplankton and bacterioplankton off the coast of Florida, USA, in: Gibbs, P.E. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 19th European Marine Biology Symposium, Plymouth, Devon, UK, 16-21 September 1984. pp. 39-49, meer
- Newell, R.C.; Lucas, M.I.; Painting, S.J.; Field, J.G. (1985). Some estimates of carbon and nitrogen flux through pelagic communities in coastal waters, in: Gibbs, P.E. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 19th European Marine Biology Symposium, Plymouth, Devon, UK, 16-21 September 1984. pp. 51-59, meer
- Petipa, T.S. (1985). Production and concentration of plankton at boundary water masses: perspectives of investigations, in: Gibbs, P.E. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 19th European Marine Biology Symposium, Plymouth, Devon, UK, 16-21 September 1984. pp. 61-71, meer
- Lochte, K.; Turley, C.M. (1985). Heterotrophic activity and carbon flow via bacteria in waters associated with a tidal mixing front, in: Gibbs, P.E. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 19th European Marine Biology Symposium, Plymouth, Devon, UK, 16-21 September 1984. pp. 73-85, meer
- Creutzberg, F. (1985). A persistent chlorophyll a maximum coinciding with an enriched benthic zone, in: Gibbs, P.E. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 19th European Marine Biology Symposium, Plymouth, Devon, UK, 16-21 September 1984. pp. 97-107, meer
- Estrada, M. (1985). Primary production at the deep chlorophyll maximum in the Western Mediterranean, in: Gibbs, P.E. (Ed.) Proceedings of the Nineteenth European Marine Biology Symposium, Plymouth, Devon, UK, 16-21 September 1984. pp. 109-121, meer
- Fransz, H.G.; Diel, S. (1985). Secondary production of Calanus finmarchicus (Copepoda: Calanoidea) in a transitional system of the Fladen Ground area (northern North Sea) during the spring of 1983, in: Gibbs, P.E. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 19th European Marine Biology Symposium, Plymouth, Devon, UK, 16-21 September 1984. pp. 123-133, meer
- Alcaraz, M. (1985). Vertical distribution of zooplankton biomass during summer stratification in the western Mediterranean, in: Gibbs, P.E. (Ed.) Proceedings of the Nineteenth European Marine Biology Symposium, Plymouth, Devon, UK, 16-21 September 1984. pp. 135-143, meer
- Moal, J.; Samain, J.F.; Koutsikopoulos, C.; Le Coz, J.-R.; Daniel, J.Y. (1985). Ushant thermal front: digestive enzymes and zooplankton production, in: Gibbs, P.E. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 19th European Marine Biology Symposium, Plymouth, Devon, UK, 16-21 September 1984. pp. 145-157, meer
- Le Pennec, M.; Prieur, D.; Lucas, A. (1985). Studies on the feeding of a hydrothermal-vent mytilid from the East Pacific rise, in: Gibbs, P.E. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 19th European Marine Biology Symposium, Plymouth, Devon, UK, 16-21 September 1984. pp. 159-165, meer
- Alayse-Danet, A.M.; Gaill, F.; Desbruyères, D. (1985). Preliminary studies on the relationship between the Pompeii worm, Alvinella pompejana (Polychaeta: Ampharetidae), and its epibiotic bacteria, in: Gibbs, P.E. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 19th European Marine Biology Symposium, Plymouth, Devon, UK, 16-21 September 1984. pp. 167-172, meer
- George, R.Y. (1985). Basal and active metabolic rates of deep sea animals in relation to pressure and food ration, in: Gibbs, P.E. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 19th European Marine Biology Symposium, Plymouth, Devon, UK, 16-21 September 1984. pp. 173-182, meer
- Smith, C.R. (1985). Colonization studies in the deep sea: are results biased by experimental designs?, in: Gibbs, P.E. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 19th European Marine Biology Symposium, Plymouth, Devon, UK, 16-21 September 1984. pp. 183-190, meer
- Meadows, P.S.; Tait, J. (1985). Bioturbation, geotechnics and microbiology at the sediment-water interface in deep-sea sediments, in: Gibbs, P.E. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 19th European Marine Biology Symposium, Plymouth, Devon, UK, 16-21 September 1984. pp. 191-200, meer
- Gage, J.D. (1985). The analysis of population dynamics in deep-sea benthos, in: Gibbs, P.E. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 19th European Marine Biology Symposium, Plymouth, Devon, UK, 16-21 September 1984. pp. 201-211, meer
- Grant, A. (1985). Analysis of continuous reproduction in deep-sea seastars, in: Gibbs, P.E. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 19th European Marine Biology Symposium, Plymouth, Devon, UK, 16-21 September 1984. pp. 213-222, meer
- Tyler, P.A.; Muirhead, A.; Colman, J. (1985). Observations on continuous reproduction in large deep-sea epibenthos, in: Gibbs, P.E. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 19th European Marine Biology Symposium, Plymouth, Devon, UK, 16-21 September 1984. pp. 231-243, meer
- Hartnoll, R.G.; Rice, A. (1985). Further studies on the biology of the deep-sea spider crab Dorhynchus thomsoni: instar sequence and the annual cycle, in: Gibbs, P.E. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 19th European Marine Biology Symposium, Plymouth, Devon, UK, 16-21 September 1984. pp. 231-243, meer
- Gray, J.S.; Valderhaug, V.; Ugland, K.I. (1985). The stability of a benthic community of soft sediment, in: Gibbs, P.E. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 19th European Marine Biology Symposium, Plymouth, Devon, UK, 16-21 September 1984. pp. 245-254, meer
- Heip, C.H.R.; Herman, P.M.J. (1985). The stability of a benthic copepod community, in: Gibbs, P.E. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 19th European Marine Biology Symposium, Plymouth, Devon, UK, 16-21 September 1984. pp. 255-263, meer
- Zajac, R.N.; Whitlatch, R.B. (1985). A hierarchical approach to modelling soft-bottom successional dynamics, in: Gibbs, P.E. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 19th European Marine Biology Symposium, Plymouth, Devon, UK, 16-21 September 1984. pp. 265-276, meer
- Chesney, E.J. (1985). Succession in soft-bottom benthic environments: are pioneering species really outcompeted?, in: Gibbs, P.E. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 19th European Marine Biology Symposium, Plymouth, Devon, UK, 16-21 September 1984. pp. 277-285, meer
- Bonsdorff, E.; Österman, C.-S. (1985). The establishment, succession and dynamics of a zoobenthic community: an experimental study, in: Gibbs, P.E. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 19th European Marine Biology Symposium, Plymouth, Devon, UK, 16-21 September 1984. pp. 287-298, meer
- Winiecki, C.I.; Burrell, D.C. (1985). Benthic community development and seasonal variations in an Alaskan fjord, in: Gibbs, P.E. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 19th European Marine Biology Symposium, Plymouth, Devon, UK, 16-21 September 1984. pp. 299-310, meer
- Reise, K. (1985). Predator control in marine tidal sediments, in: Gibbs, P.E. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 19th European Marine Biology Symposium, Plymouth, Devon, UK, 16-21 September 1984. pp. 311-321, meer
- Commito, J.A.; Ambrose Jr., W.G. (1985). Predatory infauna and trophic complexity in soft-bottom communities, in: Gibbs, P.E. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 19th European Marine Biology Symposium, Plymouth, Devon, UK, 16-21 September 1984. pp. 323-333, meer
- Wildish, D.J. (1985). Geographical distribution of macrofauna on sublittoral sediments of continental shelves: a modified trophic ratio concept, in: Gibbs, P.E. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 19th European Marine Biology Symposium, Plymouth, Devon, UK, 16-21 September 1984. pp. 335-346, meer
- Schwinghamer, P. (1985). Observations on size-structure and pelagic coupling of some shelf and abyssal benthic communities, in: Gibbs, P.E. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 19th European Marine Biology Symposium, Plymouth, Devon, UK, 16-21 September 1984. pp. 347-360, meer
- Bodin, P.; Boucher, D.; Guillou, J.; Guillou, M. (1985). The trophic system of the benthic communities in the Bay of Douarnenez (Brittany), in: Gibbs, P.E. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 19th European Marine Biology Symposium, Plymouth, Devon, UK, 16-21 September 1984. pp. 361-370, meer
- Lambshead, P.J.D.; Platt, H.M. (1985). Structural patterns of marine benthic assemblages and their relationship with empirical statistical models, in: Gibbs, P.E. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 19th European Marine Biology Symposium, Plymouth, Devon, UK, 16-21 September 1984. pp. 371-380, meer
- Hartnoll, R.G.; Burrows, M.T.; Ellard, F.M. (1985). Species-abundance distributions: arbiters or artifacts, in: Gibbs, P.E. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 19th European Marine Biology Symposium, Plymouth, Devon, UK, 16-21 September 1984. pp. 381-390, meer
- Hughes, R.G. (1985). A hypothesis concerning the influence of competition and stress on the structure of marine benthic communities, in: Gibbs, P.E. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 19th European Marine Biology Symposium, Plymouth, Devon, UK, 16-21 September 1984. pp. 391-400, meer
- Warner, G.F. (1985). Dynamic stability in two contrasting epibenthic communities, in: Gibbs, P.E. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 19th European Marine Biology Symposium, Plymouth, Devon, UK, 16-21 September 1984. pp. 401-410, meer
- Dyrynda, P.E.J. (1985). Chemical defences and the structure of subtidal epibenthic communities, in: Gibbs, P.E. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 19th European Marine Biology Symposium, Plymouth, Devon, UK, 16-21 September 1984. pp. 411-423, meer
- Koehn, R.K. (1985). Adaptive aspects of biochemical and physiological variability (Keynote lecture), in: Gibbs, P.E. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 19th European Marine Biology Symposium, Plymouth, Devon, UK, 16-21 September 1984. pp. 425-441, meer
- Beaumont, A.R.; Gosling, E.; Beveridge, C.M.; Budd, M.D.; Burnell, G.M. (1985). Studies on heterozygosity and size in the scallop, Pecten maximus, in: Gibbs, P.E. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 19th European Marine Biology Symposium, Plymouth, Devon, UK, 16-21 September 1984. pp. 443-453, meer
- Garton, D.W.; Koehn, R.K.; Scott, T.M. (1985). The physiological energetics of growth in the clam, Mulinia lateralis: an explanation for the relationship between growth rate and individual heterozygosity, in: Gibbs, P.E. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 19th European Marine Biology Symposium, Plymouth, Devon, UK, 16-21 September 1984. pp. 455-464, meer
- Shick, J.M.; Dowse, H.B. (1985). Genetic basis of physiological variation in natural populations of sea anemones: intra- and interclonal analyses of variance, in: Gibbs, P.E. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 19th European Marine Biology Symposium, Plymouth, Devon, UK, 16-21 September 1984. pp. 465-479, meer
- Thompson, R.J.; Newell, R.I.E. (1985). Physiological responses to temperature in two latitudinally separated populations of the mussel, Mytilus edulis, in: Gibbs, P.E. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 19th European Marine Biology Symposium, Plymouth, Devon, UK, 16-21 September 1984. pp. 481-495, meer
- Hilbish, T.J.; Koehn, R.K. (1985). Genetic variation in nitrogen metabolism in Mytilus edulis: contribution of the Lap locus, in: Gibbs, P.E. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 19th European Marine Biology Symposium, Plymouth, Devon, UK, 16-21 September 1984. pp. 497-503, meer
- Hoffmann, R.J. (1985). Thermal adaptation and the properties of phosphoglucose isomerase allozymes from a sea anemone, in: Gibbs, P.E. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 19th European Marine Biology Symposium, Plymouth, Devon, UK, 16-21 September 1984. pp. 505-514, meer
- Brock, V. (1985). Immuno-electrophoretic studies of genetic relations between populations of Mytilus edulis and Mytilus galloprovincialis from the Mediterranean, Baltic, East and West Atlantic, and East Pacific, in: Gibbs, P.E. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 19th European Marine Biology Symposium, Plymouth, Devon, UK, 16-21 September 1984. pp. 515-520, meer
- Vahl, O. (1985). Size-specific reproductive effort in Chlamys islandica: reproductive senility or stabilizing selection?, in: Gibbs, P.E. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 19th European Marine Biology Symposium, Plymouth, Devon, UK, 16-21 September 1984. pp. 521-527, meer
- Diehl, W.J.; Gaffney, P.M.; McDonald, J.H.; Koehn, R.K. (1985). Relationship between weight-standardized oxygen consumption and multiple-locus heterozygosity in the mussel, Mytilus edulis, in: Gibbs, P.E. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 19th European Marine Biology Symposium, Plymouth, Devon, UK, 16-21 September 1984. pp. 529-534, meer