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OBIS: Ocean Biodiversity Information System
OBIS (YEAR) Ocean Biodiversity Information System. Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO.
Appeltans, Ward Beschikbaarheid: Vrij beschikbaar
The data are freely available to anybody and may be used for any purpose. Usage acknowledgement may be required Beschrijving
The Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS) is a web-based provider of global geo-referenced information on accurately identified marine species. meer
We contain expert species level and habitat level databases and provide a variety of spatial query tools for visualizing relationships among species and their environment. OBIS strives to assess and integrate biological, physical, and chemical oceanographic data from multiple sources. Users of OBIS, including researchers, students, and environmental managers, will gain a dynamic view of the multi-dimensional oceanic world. Scope Thema's: Biologie > Benthos, Biologie > Invertebraten, Biologie > Macroalgen, Biologie > Nekton, Biologie > Plankton > Fytoplankton, Biologie > Plankton > Zooplankton, Biologie > Planten, Biologie > Reptielen, Biologie > Vis, Biologie > Vogels, Biologie > Zoogdieren Kernwoorden: Marien/Kust, Mariene organismen, Oceanology (biological), World Waters, Animalia, Fungi, Monera, Plantae, Protozoa Geografische spreiding World Waters [Marine Regions] Bijdrage door
Gerelateerde datasets
Gepubliceerde datasets: AfrOBIS: African Ocean Biodiversity Information System, meer AntOBIS: Antarctic Ocean Biodiversity Information System, meer ArcOD/AOOS: Arctic Ocean Biodiversity Information System, meer Arctic Ocean Biogeographic Information System, meer ArOBIS: Argentinean Ocean Biodiversity Information System, meer OBIS-Australia: Australian Ocean Biodiversity Information System, meer OBIS-Canada: Canadian Ocean Biodiversity Information System, meer CarOBIS: Caribbean Ocean Biodiversity Information System, meer OBIS-China: Chinese Ocean Biodiversity Information System, meer OBIS Deep Sea: Deep Sea Ocean Biodiversity Information System, meer EurOBIS: European Ocean Biodiversity Information System, meer FishBase OBIS, meer HAB OBIS: Harmful Algal Bloom Ocean Biodiversity Information System, meer IndOBIS: Indian Ocean Biodiversity Information System, meer OBIS-Japan: Japanese Ocean Biodiversity Information System, meer KOBIS: Korean Ocean Biodiversity Information System, meer MicrOBIS: Microbial Ocean Biodiversity Information System, meer OBIS Black Sea, meer OPI: Oceans Past Initiative, meer SEAOBIS: South-East Asian Ocean Biodiversity Information System, meer NZOBIS: Southwestern Pacific Ocean Biodiversity Information System, meer OBIS-SEAMAP: Spatial Ecological Analysis of Megavertebrate Populations, meer ESPOBIS: Tropical and Subtropical Eastern South Pacific Ocean Biodiversity Information System, meer WSAOBIS: Tropical and Subtropical Western South Atlantic Ocean Biodiversity Information System, meer OBIS-USA: US Ocean Biodiversity Informaton System, meer Project
OBIS: Ocean Biodiversity Information System, meer
Dataset status: Gestart
Data type: Data
Data oorsprong: Data collectie
Metadatarecord aangemaakt: 2004-05-10
Informatie laatst gewijzigd: 2020-05-26