Search options in IMIS:
| use | | this replaces | | examples | | |
| % | | several characters | | w%k | | week,work | | |
| _ | | one character | | w_sh | | wish,wash | | |
| [avz] | | a, v or z (1) | | wa[xy] | | wax,way | | |
| [a-d] | | a, b, c or d (1) | | dam[e-p] | | dame,damn,damp | | |
| [^a] | | any except a (1) | | wa[^x] | | way | | |
| [^a-c] | | any except for a, b of c (1) | | dam[^e-n] | | damp | | |
| [%] | | percent sign (1) | | 100[%] | | 100% | | |
(1) only replaces one character
Boolean search:
- By default your search terms are broken up at the spaces, searching for 'beach sand' is translated in to results containing 'beach' and 'sand'
- By using double quotes you can block this, e.g. ' "on the beach" '
- It is possible to search for results containing 'beach' OR 'sand' by using '|', e.g. 'beach|sand'