During EMBS53, scientists can present their work, linked to the following themes:
Science from a historical perspective
Whether you are digging up old data, comparing historical to present-day conditions, or have a special interest in the history of marine science, feel free to come and share your views with us.
Science in a modern era
Topics in this session will be focused on science done through or with the help of e-infrastructures (LifeWatch, EMBRC, ...), innovative techniques and high-tech equipment such as e.g. sensors or GPS-tracking & receiver networks.
Citizen science
Not only scientists do science... More and more, untrained people assist professionals in collecting information and data, with remarkable results. This session is open to topics that deal with various aspects of citizen science.
Science in the North Sea
2018 has been declared as 'the Year of the North Sea' by WWF. As we do not want to let this go by quietly, this session is dedicated to all North Sea related research, past, present and future.
General session
Are the above mentioned themes not your cup of tea? Don't worry, this general session is open to all topics that do not fit in any of the proposed themes.
And be prepared... even the traditional Yellow Submarine competition will have a historical touch... ☺