Theme: Science from a historical perspective
Georg Engelhard is an all-round scientist working at Cefas, UK, which is one of the world’s leading research organisations on the marine and freshwater environment. Georg’s research covers a wide range of taxa from benthos to fish to marine mammals, and subjects ranging from climatic change to fishing impacts, with fieldwork in remote environments but also analysis of large databases using sophisticated modelling techniques. He has worked at Cefas since 2004, after a PhD at IMARES (Netherlands) on marine mammals and a post-doc at the Institute of Marine Research (Norway) on fish in subpolar seas.
He is a strong contributor to the emerging discipline of marine historical ecology, which captures the long-term interactions between human society and the marine environment over time-spans from decades to centuries. He also leads a portfolio of research on the effects of climate change on fish and fisheries, with contributions on distribution and phenology shifts, changes in fish reproductive potential, and community changes. He has many collaborations within the UK, across Europe and beyond, aided by his language skills and reflected in 50+ scientific publications.