Colour of Ocean Data
The Palais des Congrès, Brussels, Belgium
25-27 November 2002
Ecological and community data
Marine ecosystems are increasingly under pressure of commercial exploitation. Do we have the necessary data to assess the impact of this exploitation? What monitoring programmes exist, and how are any resulting data shared between scientists and decision makers? Which tools and/or models exist to analyse ecological communities, and predict their resilience against disturbance? What, if any, are the data structures used to store information on ecological processes, community structure and population densities? How are ecological data exchanged? And as for the biodiversity data, which institutions can tackle the challenge of storing, managing and exchanging ecological data?
Chairman: Carlo Heip, Director, Centre for Estuarine and Marine Ecology, Netherlands Institute of Ecology, The Netherlands
- Presentation by the chair. Data requirements for biological indicators. (presentation)
Invited presentation:
- Peter Herman (Head of Department, Centre for Estuarine and Marine Ecology, Netherlands Institute of Ecology, The Netherlands) All an ecologist wants to know, but never can find (presentation)
submitted presentations
- H. Hummel, B. Schaub, W. Sistermans, M. Rietveld, R. Markusse, K. Verschuure, O. van Hoesel, T. Ysebaert, D. van Oevelen and P. Herman. Limitations and solutions to the exchange of macrobenthos community data between scientists and CZM managers as shown in the frame of human impact monitoring
studies in SW Netherlands (presentation)
- S. Koukina, G.A. Korneeva, L.Y. Ametistova and T.A. Bek. Biogeochemical assessment of shallow sea environments (White Sea, Russian Arctic) (presentation)
- T. Verslycke, P.L.M. Goethals, G. Vandenberg, K. Callebout and C.R. Janssen. Application of rule induction techniques for detecting the possible impact of endocrine disruptors on the North Sea ecosystem. (presentation)
- J.S. Sarupria and P.M.A. Bhattathiri. A quality control system for biological oceanographic data in the Northern Indian Ocean (presentation)
- G.T. Silvestre, L.R. Garces and F.C. Gayanilo. An overview of the Fisheries Resource Information System and Tools (FiRST): a database management system for storing and analyzing trawl survey
and related data. (presentation)
- D. Stevens and P.C. Reed. History of the CPR database. (presentation)
- T. Ysebaert, P. Herman, H. Hummel, B. Schaub, W. Sistermans and C. Heip. Monitoring and predictive modelling of estuarine benthic macrofauna and their relevance to resource management problems. (presentation)
poster presentations/demonstrations
- David, B.; Choné, T.; Festeau, A.; De Ridder, Ch. An interactive database on Antarctic echinoids
- Debacker, V.; Huart, P.; Massart, A.C.; Eppe, G.; Jauniaux, T.; Bouquegneau, J.M.; De Pauw, E. North Sea marine matrices under high surveillance: a preliminary study of dioxins and dioxin-like compounds
- Dijkers, C.; bij de Vaate, A. ESIS: a prospective ‘European Salmonid Information System’?
- Hiscock, K. Practical application of Marine Life Information Network ( resources for environmental protection and management
- Jouffre, D.; Domalain, J.; Caverivière, A. Analysis of demersal fish assemblages on the Senegalese continental shelf considering changes and fishing impact over the last decades
- Kuznetsov, A.A.; Mikhailov, N. Chemical and biological data holdings in the Russian Federation
- Lakkis, S.; Zeidane, R. Multiannual fluctuations and long-time series of planktonic and oceanographic data from Lebanese waters (Eastern Mediterranean)
- Panov, V.; Gollasch, S.; Leppäkoski, E.; Olenin, S. Internet-based information resources on aquatic invasive species in Europe: present developments and future perspectives
- Torres, G.Ch. Distribution of chlorophyll 'a' in the equatorial Pacific Ocean (82°w-92°w), during 1988-1999 (Ecuador)
- Vanderstraete, T.; Goossens, R.; Ghabour, T.K. Possibilities of satellite remote sensing for monitoring coral reefs in the Red Sea