Colour of Ocean Data:
a symposium on oceanographic data and information management with special attention to biological data

The Palais des Congrès, Brussels, Belgium
25-27 November 2002

Panel discussion

The objectives of the panel discussion were to identify what data centres see as user needs and what users see as user needs, and to start a dialog between different communities involved in/with an inerest in ocean data management.

In the context of ocean data management, scientists, data managers and decision-makers are all very much dependent on each other. Decision-makers will stimulate research topics with policy priority and hence guide researchers. Scientists need to provide data managers with reliable and first quality controlled data in such a way that the latter can translate and make them available for the decision-makers. But do they speak the same ‘language’? Are they happy with the access they have to the data? And if not, can they learn from each other’s expectations and experience?

There were two panel members from each of the data management and the scientific communities, and from international organisations. The panel discussion was divided into two parts; the first part consisted of short opening statements by the panel members, based on the questions listed below. The second part was dedicated to open debate. Summary conclusions from the discussions can be found here.


Panel Members

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